lila dress
September 14, 2013
February 24, 2015

lila dress

Project info
When Sampson met Lila pullover by Insa Ka
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
1,373 yards
Briggs & Little Regal 2 Ply
490 yards in stash
4.2 skeins = 1142.4 yards (1044.6 meters), 474 grams
mississippi black sheep
January 23, 2010
Patons North America Classic Wool Worsted
147 yards in stash
1.1 skeins = 231.0 yards (211.2 meters), 110 grams
Len's Mill
February 7, 2015

lots of mods here, because i’m actually going to make it as a dress, and so i’m changing it to top-down in the round. also not poofing the sleeves.

23 nov 2014 - picking this up again. i had barely started! anyway, now i’m down past the armscye, have done a couple of bodice decreases (every 6th row) and then i thought “maybe i’ll get the sleeves done first, then i don’t have to worry about how long to make it without running out of yarn,” and so i switched to a sleeve and i’m about half done that. i will need to find a different yarn for the cowl and cuffs though, as the yarn i thought i was going to use is much too fine.

1 feb 2015 - ignored it pretty much since i said i was picking it up again. whoops! but i got to work on it last night, and now have both sleeves done and the bodice down to below the bustline (i.e. the complex shaping part is done). feeling pretty good about that!

5 feb 2015 - have reached the waist, ready to start increases for the skirt.

6 feb 2015 - have done just over half the increases. of course, it gets slower and slower as each row is a little bit longer. but soon i will be into the boring stockinette straightaway which will be good mindless movie knitting at least.

7 feb 2015 - picked up some patons for the collar & cuffs. think i will make a belt as well.

11 feb 2015 - should have got the dk instead of the worsted maybe? i was thinking dk was a shade finer than what the pattern called for, but it’s actually a shade heavier. hmm. will swatch and see, i guess. also ordered a pearly grey belt buckle.

13 feb 2015 - my buckle came in the mail! yay! thank you busy beaver boutique!

15 feb 2015 - really boring right now as i’m on the stockinette straightaway. will need to watch a movie to get through this. started the belt just for a change of pace: cast on 7; row 1: sl1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k2; row 2: sl1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p2. note: this is also really boring but at least will be done sooner. sleeve cuff: switch to grey yarn with smaller needle, 1 row k, 7 rows k1,p1 rib.

16 feb 2015 - bad back kept me in bed all day with my trusty heating pad. so, i’m almost done the borking stockinette. will need to cake up another skein of b&l - just finished off skein number 4. belt is done and sleeve cuffs. i wonder how long the cowl will take?

22 feb 2015 - could i finish this today? i am sick (again!! ugh) so not going anywhere. i would guess i am about half-way done the cowl. also, i want to add a couple of keepers for the belt. but it is hemmed, and the ends run in, so really really close!

24 feb 2015 - knitting is done! soaking now so i can block. hope it doesn’t take too long to dry - although the house is so dry this winter it might go quickly!

27 feb 2015 - blocking. who knows what i’m trying to do with that cowl. can always steam it out later i guess.

1 march 2015 - cowl looked goofy so i spritzed it with water and pulled at it till it looked right. wore this today! yay!

viewed 218 times
September 14, 2013
February 24, 2015
About this pattern
31 projects, in 333 queues
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About this yarn
by Briggs & Little
100% Wool
272 yards / 113 grams

7645 projects

stashed 5177 times

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About this yarn
by Patons North America
100% Wool
194 yards / 100 grams

109859 projects

stashed 50607 times

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  • Originally queued: September 20, 2011
  • Project created: September 15, 2013
  • Finished: March 1, 2015
  • Updated: October 14, 2015
  • Progress updates: 6 updates