Follow your arrow mystery kal
January 13, 2014
March 15, 2014

Follow your arrow mystery kal

Project info
Follow Your Arrow Mystery KAL by Ysolda Teague
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Artesano Definition
The Woolly Brew in Pittenweem, Fife
John Arbon Textiles Alpaca Sock w/Merino
1 skein = 350.0 yards (320.0 meters), 100 grams
Meadow Yarn

Doing two colours.

Starting with clue 1A. Which has a starter shape I’ve never done before.

Bit concerned my yarns are too high contrast, but this whole shawl is a MYSTERY! So I will carry on… Also not sure of the contrast in fibres… Oh indecision!

2B for the second clue! Loving the stripes and the garter stitch…

3B for the third clue

4B… Took a while whilst I worked on other projects!

5B… Finally started on Mon 17th, one week after clue was released. Chose B as I’ve never done a knitted on edging before. Using the written instructions as the charts scared me! Working out well… But think I’ll be a while!

As predicted… It has taken me ages!!! And I ran out of yarn… Finished with some black 4ply… Not perfect but it’s done.

Other good looking combos as seen in spoiler thread:

viewed 64 times
January 13, 2014
March 15, 2014
About this pattern
from Ysolda
3269 projects, in 709 queues
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About this yarn
by John Arbon Textiles
60% Alpaca, 20% Merino, 20% Nylon
350 yards / 100 grams

183 projects

stashed 156 times

fionacupcake's star rating
About this yarn
by Artesano
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
437 yards / 100 grams

1644 projects

stashed 1076 times

fionacupcake's star rating
  • Project created: January 5, 2014
  • Finished: March 18, 2014
  • Updated: March 25, 2014
  • Progress updates: 2 updates