Létt-Lopi Vest
October 6, 2012
October 26, 2012

Létt-Lopi Vest

Project info
Léttlopavesti (Létt-Lopi Vest) by Védís Jónsdóttir for Ístex
Me (34" chest, 39" hip)
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
585 yards
Reynolds Lite-Lopi
0.35 skeins = 38.2 yards (34.9 meters), 17 grams
Ístex Léttlopi
0.06 skeins = 6.5 yards (6.0 meters), 3 grams
Ístex Léttlopi
0.3 skeins = 32.7 yards (29.9 meters), 15 grams
Ístex Léttlopi
0.66 skeins = 71.9 yards (65.8 meters), 33 grams
Ístex Léttlopi
4 skeins = 436.0 yards (398.7 meters), 200 grams
THE CRAFTY LADY in Lacombe, Alberta
September 27, 2012

I added little seamless sleeves to this vest. I also added an extra inch of length to the body after I’d finished the sweater. Instructions for both are listed below.

(The body length of this vest as written is 4 cm shorter than the similar Vormorgun vest pattern that I had already knit and loved; I didn’t realize it until I tried on the finished vest.)

Lett-lopi is wonderfully forgiving and relaxes a lot with washing and wearing. If in doubt, I try to choose a size that is a little on the small side. If the garment is snug fitting and a bit too short right off the needles it will usually end up just right. The second photo shows my sweater after it has been worn a few times AND lengthened - look how much wider it is compared to the “just off the needles” photo beneath. It has relaxed to fit my hips just right, and it’s no longer skin-tight but perfectly comfortable.


  • Used 1x1 rib on bottom hem, with Techknitter’s transition trick on the last round.
  • Modified yoke patterning a little to use 4 colours of yarn.
  • I did not have enough main colour after making the sleeves to use it in the charted pattern so I used some light blue instead.
  • I knitted all the rows on the chart, even the ones that were size XL only, to give a little more length to the yoke.
  • Added short sleeves as follows (make 2):
  1. Do not bind off 11 stitches at each side of the sweater body. Put them on a holder instead, to be grafted with your underarm sleeves stitches later.
  2. Using 3.5 mm double pointed needles, cast on 60 sts (this is the number of stitches bound off on the sides of the body + the number of stitches cast on over the arms - you can adjust it for your size).
  3. Join in the round and knit 5 rounds 1x1 rib.
  4. Next round: Transition into stockinette by slipping all knit stitches purlwise with yarn in back and purling purl stitches (this is optional but it helps prevent the ribbing from flipping up and I like to do it).
  5. Switch to 4.5 mm needles and knit stockinette for 10 rounds.
  6. Put 11 stitches onto a holder (these are your underarm stitches). Keep the rest on the needles.
  7. When starting the yoke of the sweater, knit across the 49 sleeves stitches, then the 67 front stitches, then the 49 stitches of the other sleeve, then the back stiches. Join in the round. 156 stitches total. Knit one round and begin chart.
  • After the sweater was finished I realized it was too short so added some more length to the body as follows:
  1. Removed ribbing as per Tech Knitter’s instructions (it’s the second “problem” listed on the page) and set it aside.
  2. I picked up the live body stitches and knit another inch downwards in stockinette. I didn’t have enough main colour so added in some yarn of another colour, repeating a bit of the pattern from the yoke.
  3. I then unraveled my saved ribbing yarn and used it to knit 1x1 rib.
  4. I wanted to do the miraculous elastic bind off to ensure there was enough stretch for the sweater over my hips. It uses a LOT of yarn and I didn’t have quite enough main colour so I used a length of Patons Classic Wool for the entire bind off instead. It was a good colour match!
viewed 4423 times | helped 117 people
October 6, 2012
October 26, 2012
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Reynolds
100% Icelandic
109 yards / 50 grams

2728 projects

stashed 4002 times

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About this yarn
by Ístex
100% Icelandic
109 yards / 50 grams

61289 projects

stashed 58174 times

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  • Project created: October 6, 2012
  • Finished: October 27, 2012
  • Updated: March 14, 2014
  • Progress updates: 3 updates