Sock Yarn Blanket
In progress
November 22, 2012
work in progress

Sock Yarn Blanket

Project info
Blankie by Shelly Kang
Needles & yarn

Nov 2016 - Found another sock yarn blanket I started, so I sewed it to this one.

Feb 25/14 - attempting to do 8 squares at the same time. My logic is that if I can two socks at a time, mitre squares should be easy. Glad I’m getting close to being done. Decision on whether to do side triangles and then an I-chord border still in the air. Ideas fellow ravelers?

Apr 22/13 - I laid out the blanket and measured it. It’s approximately 1.5 feet x more than 6 feet. I did a re-design of the width and found a way to mirror the squares and making the blanket have a neat symmetry in the middle. See the last photo for the chart ideas. I hope that this blanket is appreciated by my friend. A fellow knitter told me that I’m not allowed to give it away, but I really want to with this blanket. I will design one for myself if I want to keep it.

Mar 17/13 - I decided to try and combine two of the blankets and make it the length instead of the width = success! It requires that I pick up a stitch and then decrease it in to fill in the solid square… similar again to the Entrelac technique. :)
I also added some triangles using the Intarsia technique taught by Kate Atherley aka wisehilda at the February KW Knitter’s Guild Meeting. Thank you! I’m hoping to use the quilt designed by Kaffe Fassett as another design feature at some point.

Dec 27/12 - turns out the number of squares I made = 3 blankets. So, one for me, and one for two very good friends. One is turning 30 in August, so that will be a good gift. The other is just great :) I’m trying to use only one style of square in each blanket so that they are all unique and yet slightly similar.

Dec 17/12 - 17 squares, going to follow the original sock blanket technique… but will pick up the stitches all the way across right away so the bigger balls of certain colours I have spread further. We’ll see how it goes :) thanks to Annie Bee’s Blanket for giving me a recipe to follow in stitches to cast on etc.

Dec 16/12 - tried switching to stockinette stitch when picking up along two sides… didn’t like the look of it.

November 27/12 - 10ish squares complete
not sure if I’m going to follow the original instructions for this blanket or make my own way. It seems like a combination of what is used in Entrelac of pickup up stitches and decreasing stitches.

November 22/12 - solid square, then striped and so on.

viewed 49 times
In progress
November 22, 2012
work in progress
About this pattern
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  • Project created: November 22, 2012
  • In progress: November 22, 2012
  • Updated: December 4, 2016
  • Progress updates: 3 updates