Herringbone socks
October 24, 2015
October 29, 2015

Herringbone socks

Project info
Herringbone From Kiel by Stephanie van der Linden
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
324 yards
Araucania Yarns Huasco Multy Botany Lace
none left in stash
0.41 skeins = 184.5 yards (168.7 meters), 41 grams
April 24, 2013
Lion Brand Sock-Ease
none left in stash
0.32 skeins = 140.2 yards (128.2 meters), 32 grams
October 23, 2015

Notes for left sock: JMCO 28 sts; inc. 4 sts e.o. round to 56 sts; {m1, k4} across row to 70 sts; begin chart (yay for short row/round repeats!); 13 repeats to FLK; 11 repeats to rib; 1x1 rib (for 10 rows); sewn b.o.

Notes for right sock: JMCO 24 sts; inc. 4 sts e.o. round to 48 sts; {m1, k4} across row to 60 sts; begin chart; 11-1/2 repeats to FLK; 11 repeats to rib; 1x1 rib (for 10 rows); sewn b.o.

Oct 24/15: due to childhood illness, one of mom’s feet is smaller than the other. I think this will be her first pair of custom socks. The herringbone seems like it’ll suit her nicely.

Oct 25/15: ready to start the heel of the larger sock.

Oct 27/15: will be working the b.o. for the first sock today.

Oct 28/15: am just about ready to turn the heel of the second sock!

Oct 30/15: finished the second sock last night! I don’t think I’m going to bother blocking these because I always find that after hand-wash blocking colourwork socks, they go enormously and don’t reflect how they’ll behave after a trip through a washer/dryer cycle any way. I’m really happy with how the colourwork turned out and think these’ll be a good fit!

viewed 97 times
October 24, 2015
October 29, 2015
About this pattern
206 projects, in 191 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
438 yards / 100 grams

17725 projects

stashed 7872 times

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About this yarn
by Araucania Yarns
Light Fingering
100% Merino
454 yards / 100 grams

7117 projects

stashed 7172 times

ghanima's star rating
  • Project created: October 24, 2015
  • Finished: October 29, 2015
  • Updated: July 30, 2023
  • Progress updates: 10 updates