Jun 22/13: yeah, so based on the small amount of work I’ve done on these so far, I think it’s safe to say that my favourite yarn for colourwork is Huasco. I loved my Endpaper Mitts so much that I wanted to use the yarn again for a double-stranded project. I love what I’m seeing. This skein of Huasco (and the one I purchased at the same time) has far more magenta in it than the one I used in my mittens; there’s also less cobalt, which is a shame. I love my blues. I used Ysolda Teague’s Tubular Cast On for these (which is the same cast-on I used for Endpaper), and continued in the suggested 2x2 rib. So far, the chart’s a breeze. My gauge is currently 1 stitch off per inch, but I suspect a trip through the dryer will tighten things up. Any way, I prefer a bit of room in my socks over socks which are too snug.
Jun 23/13: I’ve finished the shaft of the sock and have begun the heel. My sock knitting experience is virtually non-existent, so trying out a heel which isn’t an Afterthought Heel, the Sweet Tomato Heel or a standard short row heel is kind of exciting/daunting.
Jun 27/13: began decreases for the toe tonight. Went to row 49 before beginning them, maintained the chart work into the decreases. Holy poop, it will have taken me a week to make one sock.
Jun 28/13: for some reason, my brain simply isn’t co-operating with the cast-on for the second sock. Presumed culprit: PMS.
Jun 29/13: finally made my way through the cast on for the second sock. I can begin the chart for the leg tomorrow.
Jul 2/13: I on to the heel flap for the second sock.
Jul 5/13: well, today was almost a complete wash. My brain still isn’t co-operating, so the Gusset was just not working. I ended up having to tink back two rows to get back to the end of the Heel Turn section and was able to resume. I’m only one row into the colourwork for the foot and instep.
Jul 7/13: I didn’t end up working on the sock at all yesterday, but I made up for it by finishing off the colourwork in its entirety today! I’m glad I made note of which row I started my toe decreases for the first sock, because my sticky note had moved. I’ve just got to decrease the toe, Kitchener Stitch and weave in the ends before I block.
Jul 8/13: these are drying now. Power outages are great for getting things done, as it turns out.
Jul 10/13: these were dry last night. I must say, I think I’m more enamored of the top view of these than I am of the side view. The filigree is just so pretty. Overall, I love the design on the colourwork, but I don’t foresee me remaking these again. I’d be willing to adapt the charts to something else, but socks with this level of detail are just too damned time-consuming!
Feb 8/14: I’ve been wearing these socks about once per week since early November, I’d say, and the heel on one of them is starting to wear very thin. I might duplicate stitch over that spot to strengthen it, or I might attempt to knit an afterthought heel in its place (daunting!), or I might just retire them.
Apr 3/14: sadly, these had to be retired after many darnings and a hole in the ball of the foot which wasn’t going to be easily repaired. I wore these socks almost weekly from the time I made them during one of the most unrelenting winters I’ve ever experienced, so at least I feel that I got my fair share of use out of them.