Jan. 1st This is one of the most challenging things I have ever had to knit and I am not entirely sure why that is. In 2015 I gave up completely and used the yarn for something else, but I was determined to give it another try this year. I feel like it was a battle the entire way through.
Jan. 3rd 26 rows into Terpsichore Street and so far no issues. I have been keeping very careful track of my stitch count, which I normally do not do.
Jan. 5th I just ran into a dumb mistake because instead of reading directions thoroughly, I make assumptions, or I misinterpret or something. Just flumped up the first row in chart A of Terpsichore Street and I almost panicked…and then I went back and read it again, and I know exactly what I did wrong.
Jan. 7th Oh my lord. I have never agonized over a knit the way I have with this pattern. Just finished chart A.
Jan. 9th I think I found something weird. Chart B, row 4. Written instructions starts out with “k1 tbl times, p2” t have to. ARGH.