11/1: balls. i had DH take some pictures of it today at the beach. except i didn’t realize i was wearing it inside out until i looked back at the pictures and something was wrong. so, uh, enjoy the ubercloseup of the backside of this beautiful stitch pattern. all the other pictures are of the right side.
9/1: sewn bind off worked fantastically well, i really recommend it for this pattern. blocked today, just need to take pictures! bought 4 skeins but used less than 2.5… hoping seaport will let me return/exchange because this yarn aint cheap.
8/31: did the final bind off this morning. it wasn’t nearly stretchy enough, even though it was loose. i ripped back and i’m going to switch to a sewn bind off when i have the patience
8/25: after a week at the beach and two long amtrak rides, i finally steamed out the unseamed shrug last night and did the underarm seams this morning. it occurred to me that i should have matched up where the arm pieces meet (i was only about 4 rows off) but kind of wish the pattern mentioned something about when to bind off those stitches because i don’t think i’m the only person absent-minded enough to not think of that. it looks beautiful though and i know nobody is going to be checking if the lace pattern under my arm matches up perfectly. i spent the rest of the morning picking up the body edging stitches (boy did that take awhile) but i think i might skip the armhole edging-- it looks really clean and nice the way it is.
8/11: second day at home knitting. almost up the shoulder line (pictured)
8/6: having my wisdom teeth removed on monday. thought this would be the perfect knitting project for being stuck at home for 3 days on painkillers (easy enough to memorize, much more interesting than stockinette)-- i cant wait to cast on, i’m so in love with this shrug!