Spring Fling
December 2011
January 3, 2012

Spring Fling

Project info
Storm Cloud Shawlette by Hanna Breetz
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
31" X 10 1/2"
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Sock flat, gift from sister
aqua, pink, purple

1//3/12: I used a sock flat my sister gave me as a gift. This is a small, light weight shawlette for spring/summer wear.

7/19/13: This it s too small for me = 31” wide & 10 1/2” deep. Don’t know that it’s the pattern’s fault. I was given the second half of a sock flat & don’t know what the yardage was. I knit until I ran out of yarn. I’m gonna try to add to it so that I’ll be more comfortable wearing it. Having figured that out yet.

7/22/13: Frogged the ruffle part of shawl. Am soaking & hanging yarn to get kinks out. Found unused skein of different yarn in stash that I think will work to enlarge this shawl so that it will fit me better.

7/23: Using new yarn to lengthen/widen shawlette. Am trying double YOs instead of singles as per pattern.

7/24: Frogged contrasting yarn YOS. Still having fun deciding which stitch to use for border in contrasting yarn.

2013: Donated to charity.
2014: Donated to charity.

viewed 25 times
December 2011
January 3, 2012
About this pattern
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  • Project created: February 29, 2012
  • Updated: May 29, 2014
  • Progress updates: 2 updates