Regia Thigh Highs
November 1, 2011
November 5, 2011

Regia Thigh Highs

Project info
Cat's Sweet Tomato Heel Socks Duplicate Ebook by Cat Bordhi
Machine Knitting
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Tools and equipment
Bête Noire - Légaré 400
54 slot cylinder
Regia Hand-dye Effect
2 skeins = 918.0 yards (839.4 meters), 200 grams
Natural Stitches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

In my opinion, the yarn I used, Regia Hand-dye Effect, works much better for CSM(circular sock machine) than handknit.
I used a 54 slot cylinder on a Legare 400 machine and wear a US sized 7.5 shoe.

1st try is not thigh high(see over the knee photo). added to this stocking by simply hanging it from the cuff. My legs are, in American standards, fairly long and thin, though I think of them as ‘average.’

I ended up using up both skeins. It will look longer but once you try it on the legs get shorter.

Lessons learnt

  1. I need more weights for a STH(sweet tomato heel) It goes across ⅔ of the stitches rather than ½ of them so more care is required to balance the heel.
  2. a thigh high is best cranked out looser than tight. I also should keep track of the tension as I progress to better replicate the 1st stocking. I think if I can work out the tension that these are less likely to bag, but I could be wrong.
  3. a tuttle toe for a smaller sock is best started loose then tightened towards the toe tip. I am thinking about doing one with a super loose 1st row that can later be tightened and woven in rather than to knit in the end while making it.

the yarn is scratchy.

I finally made a video explaining how I made this work, CSM Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato Heel

tomato heel for CSM but I must acknowledge…

Cat Bordhi developed her Sweet Tomato Heel over many months, working closely with over a hundred test knitters of all skill levels. During this time she distilled her illustrations and explanations again and again, until her test knitters and tech editor agreed the instructions were as clear and perfect as possible. In order to be sure that her work is not misrepresented, Cat asks that designers who wish to use her heel in their patterns send their readers directly to her free videos as well as to purchasing links for her eBook, Cat’s Sweet Tomato Heel Socks ($20), and to the eBook’s individual patterns ($6 each). She is encouraged that many knitters have been able to work from the free videos alone; if not, the eBook or individual patterns will give you the detailed instructions, illustrations, and explanations you need.


Video: Sweet Tomato Heel

Video: Padded Sweet Tomato Heel

To purchase eBook

To purchase individual patterns

I also should acknowledge the Circular Sock Machine group. If you have a CSM or are interested in one they will help you out, they certainly helped me get over some big humps, if only from reading about other’s experiences.

Future Thigh Highs

  • will use a larger cylinder, either 72 or 96
  • will have a tapered leg with more needles instead of me trying to just lower the V cam as I progress up the leg

I have a feeling this yarn would feel better if knit more finely but I could be wrong. I tend to wear these stockings over leggings or long underwear, without a garter belt or anything. This pair gets a bit tight over my upper thighs.

viewed 435 times | helped 1 person
November 1, 2011
November 5, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Regia
Light Fingering
70% Wool, 25% Nylon, 5% Acrylic
459 yards / 100 grams

5420 projects

stashed 3552 times

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  • Project created: November 2, 2011
  • Finished: November 5, 2011
  • Updated: March 28, 2013
  • Progress updates: 5 updates