Coast Ripple Blanket for Static Number 5
May 25, 2019
June 10, 2020

Coast Ripple Blanket for Static Number 5

Project info
Neat Ripple by Lucy of Attic24
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
Wool Warehouse
May 16, 2019

19/05/2019. Couldn’t wait to start this! Chained 213 as stated in pattern and after 34 rows realised it wasn’t going to fit my double bed… more haste less speed haha…

25/05/2019 ..Chained 325 and on on my way zooming over the hills and down the valleys! Love this familiar pattern. The first blanket I ever made was this neat ripple for which I used every colour in the Stylecraft Special DK range at the time…. several years ago now. Of course I’ve had to order another Lucy Pack…. never mind … can never have too much yarn!

Well just over a year and several projects later finally got around to completing this blanket for my caravan.
I couldn’t make my mind up which side I preferred!…the start of the denim border is the wrong way round. Should have frogged it really but I feel it adds a bit of texture. Finished it off with Attic 24’s spot on border pattern.

Now washed and tumble dried ready for action. I was worried that the top and bottom border was a little puckered but it seems to have remedied itself after washing. It’s so soft …I’m well pleased.

viewed 91 times
May 25, 2019
June 10, 2020
About this pattern
from Attic24
10901 projects, in 5353 queues
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About this yarn
by Stylecraft
100% Acrylic
322 yards / 100 grams

78652 projects

stashed 58626 times

grandmasuzibobs' star rating
grandmasuzibobs' adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Economic
  3. Useful
  • Project created: June 25, 2019
  • Updated: June 10, 2020
  • Progress updates: 3 updates