no date set
October 7, 2013


Project info
Noelle Capelet by Martin Storey
Neck / TorsoPoncho
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Rowan Lima
5 skeins = 545.0 yards (498.3 meters), 250 grams

Noelle was a speedy reaction to the cold weather that suddenly appeared last week and, though I haven’t yet succumbed to the coat, I badly needed some warmth. Also shawls have a habit of flopping down at inconvenient times so this is the perfect antidote.

Looking through the Ravelry pages, I realised that Lima is a ‘grower’, and since I was going down a size to get gauge, I went down one more for a fitted neck. I also added an extra couple of centimetres height for added cosiness.

My husband said ‘it’s not my favourite thing you’ve made’ which means he hates it but, hey, if it keeps me warm, I’m happy!

Lima is a lovely yarn to knit with, soft and gentle on the fingers and, of course, it’s always a virtuous feeling to use something up from the stash!!


viewed 2254 times | helped 6 people
no date set
October 7, 2013
About this pattern
168 projects, in 257 queues
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About this yarn
by Rowan
84% Alpaca, 8% Nylon, 8% Merino
120 yards / 50 grams

7932 projects

stashed 6114 times

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  • Project created: October 9, 2013
  • Finished: October 9, 2013
  • Updated: October 17, 2013