Master Knitter Level 3 (PASSED 6/12/14)
April 16, 2013
March 16, 2014

Master Knitter Level 3 (PASSED 6/12/14)

Project info
TKGA Master Hand Level 3 by The Knitting Guild Association
Not a pattern
Needles & yarn
1,766 yards
Knit Picks Swish Worsted
none left in stash
1 skein = 110.0 yards (100.6 meters), 50 grams
Knit Picks
Knit Picks Swish Worsted
77 yards in stash
1 skein = 110.0 yards (100.6 meters), 50 grams
September 9, 2009
Knit Picks Swish Worsted
55 yards in stash
1 skein = 110.0 yards (100.6 meters), 50 grams
Knit Picks
July 2009
Knit Picks Swish Worsted
none left in stash
1 skein = 110.0 yards (100.6 meters), 50 grams
Knit Picks
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Worsted
none left in stash
10 skeins = 1100.0 yards (1005.8 meters), 500 grams
StahlSche Wolle Socka 50
none left in stash
1 skein = 226.0 yards (206.7 meters), 50 grams

Passed Level 2 on 4/4/13.
Received instructions on 4/12/13.
Mailed notebook on 3/17/14.
Received notebook back on 5/29/14 - with some resubmissions required.
Mailed resubmissions on 6/3.
PASSED on 6/12/14!!! My resubmits are on the way back to me, should get them in the next day or two.

4/16/2013 - started working on questions and swatches.
4/20 - have swatch #13 done (I think).
4/23 - kitchenered swatch #13, now need to block it.
also started on second doily attempt.
4/25 - did swatch #7. started swatch #8.
4/26 - blocking swatch #7, 13, and 19
4/27 - worked on swatch #8 - I think I have an acceptable swatch, just need to block it. Started swatch #1.
4/28 - several tries for swatch#1 later, and I think I have a good swatch. need to block it. Started on swatch #2.
blocked swatch #1, 2 and 8.
knitted swatch #3.
4/29 - reknit swatch #1. started on swatch #4.
5/1 - finished swatch #4
5/3 - blocking swatch #1, 3, and 4
Knitted swatch#5 and 6.
5/4 - knitted swatch #10. and wrote most of the pattern.
5/5 - blocking swatches 5, 6, 10.
5/6 - knitted swatch #14, and wrote most of the pattern.
5/20 - knitted swatch #5 over. stuck with picot cast on and bind off. Looks better.
5/22 - finishing written work on the swatches I have done so far, and answered more questions. Started research for the research paper. Knitted swatch #15 and wrote pattern.
5/23 - charted an intarsia pattern for swatch #17. Picked a pattern for swatch#9. Got some reference books from Amy on Bavarian stitches (thanks Amy!)
5/26 - finally have a good intarsia swatch, I think.
5/28 - charted out swatch #11. started knitting.
5/29 - charted out swatch 18. knitted swatch #6 over again, and knitted swatch #9.
Just have swatches #11, 12, 16 and 18 left!!
5/31 - blocking swatches 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 17.
6/4 - writing fiber report
6/5 - writing report some more… finished knitting duplicate stitch swatch - blocking.
knitted swatch #14.
6/6 - blocking swatch#14, writing fiber report.
6/7 - finished up fiber report - hubby is going to proof read tonight. Touching up blocking on swatch #5. Doing duplicate stitch on swatch #18. knitting swatch #9 over. reblocking swatch #18.
6/10 - blocking swatch #9. writing entrelac swatch pattern.
6/11 - knitting entrelac swatch.
6/17 - finishing the questions, working on swatch info sheets and patterns. charting out swatch #16.
blocking entrelac swatch.
6/20 - almost done with bavarian swatch. but I don’t like how sloppy it looks - going up a needle size helped, but some of my purls are loose, and some of my transition stitches are loose too. I’m going to start over - gives me a chance to tweak the pattern a bit too.
6/21 - finished entrelac swatch - much better.
6/22 - started swatch #16. It may end up more than 7 inches wide - seeing if I can use fingering weight…
6/23 - starting to design hat.
6/24 - swatch 16 - done and blocking.
6/25 - starting to knit hat.
6/30 - hat brim is done, and blocking. Swatching crown of hat to make sure it’ll be how I want it…
7/1 - writing history report.
…history report is stalled while I’m working on my hat.
8/20 - finished hat.
8/21 - started swatching for sweater.
10/2 - Master Knitter day at TKGA conference! Getting my swatches and hat looked at…
Need to redo a couple swatches, and tweak my written work in a few places…
10/10 - I think I have a new idea for my sweater…
11/3 - still stalled on the sweater. :-( Starting to fix the swatches that needed fixing. Unpicking the duplicate stitch to do it over…
11/28 - re-knit smocking stitch swatch. blocking.
Re-blocking swatch #1 to match worsted weight gauge. (Swatch was blocked to be a tad bit too tight a gauge.)
12/2 - Traditions report is done, and proof read. I need to edit it a bit, however.
12/17 - all swatches are done and tagged. Whew! The traditions report is done as well. I am starting to write the reviews today.
3/14/14 - sweater is DONE! Will block it once more tomorrow and then take pictures of the sweater and the hat on Saturday and then I should be able to mail my notebook out on Monday!!!!! I can’t believe I’m almost done!!
3/15 - hubby took pictures for me - got lots of good ones, I’m going to have a hard time picking which ones(s) to include in my binder! Wrapping up a few details on the sweater pattern…
3/17 - MAILED! EEEeeekkk!!
5/29/14 - received notebook back. Have a few resubmissions. (see resubmissions below for full list)
5/30 - Fixed Swatch sheets for swatches 2, 3, 5, 13. Edited chart for swatch 11, and edited the pattern to match. Edited Swatch 12 pattern. Fixed swatch 18. started on swatch 1.
5/31 - finished reknitting swatch #1. Fixed bind off of swatch #8.
6/3 - mailed my resubmissions off.
6/12/14 - my co-chair emailed me my letter - I PASSED!

Individual Timelines:
Swatch #1: Tubular Cast on and Bind off
4/27/13 - started swatch. Did about 3 cast on takes, and did a few inches in stockinette to work on tightening up my edges.
4/28 - have a finished swatch, might be acceptable, we’ll see once I block it.
not sure I like how the cast on edge looks, I think I’ll reknit this one.
4/29 - reknit.
5/3 - blocking
11/28/13 - reblocking to get a better gauge (it was a bit too tight.)
5/29 - needs resubmitting.
5/31 - finished reknitting. needs blocking…
blocked. Looks good I think.

(swatches 2-5 have to use different cast on and bind off techniques)

Swatch #2: Centered Double Increase
cast on: German Twisted Cast On
bind off: Decrease Bind Off
4/28/13 - started on swatch
blocking… looks good.
5/29 - info sheet needs clarification
5/30 - edited sheet (tag was on wrong side too - oops!!)

Swatch #3:Double Decrease
cast on: Cable Cast On
bind off: Sewn Bind Off
4/28/13- knitted.
5/3 - blocking
5/29 - info sheet needs clarification
5/30 - edited sheet

Swatch #4: SSP Decrease
cast on: Channel Island Cast On
bind off: Interlock Bind off
4/29 - started knitting
4/30 - almost done…
5/1 - done.
5/3 - blocking
5/29 - passed.

Swatch #5: P2togtbl Decrease
cast on: Picot Cast on
bind off: Picot Bind off
5/3 - started knitting…done. Looks good - have to see once I block it how the cast on and bind off edges look. may need to redo just for those.
5/5 - blocking
5/6 - decided I don’t like the picot edges, going to pick a different c/o and b/o for this one…
5/20 - knitted again - went with smaller needles for the co and bo - and stayed with picot co and bo. Looks better.
5/31- blocking
6/7 - touch up blocking on picots.
5/29/14 - info sheet needs clarification
5/30 - edited sheet

Swatch #6: Yarnovers
5/3/13 - knitted. Looks good.
5/5 - blocking
5/6 - might do this once more to neaten it up a bit.
5/29 - knitted again. looks better.
5/31/13 - blocking. looks good.
5/29/14 - passed.

Swatch #7: Double Brioche
4/25/13 - first attempt was all wrong. I was doing the yarnovers wrong.
Second attempt looks better, but the edges were not consistent.
third attempt looks really good.
4/26/13 - blocking… looks good.
5/29/14 - passed.

Swatch #8: Herringbone Stitch
4/25/13 - started knitting
4/27 - finished swatch - my third attempt looks good.
4/28/13 - blocking…looks good.
5/29/14 - swatch needs reknitted. BO is not in pattern. (ugh!) pattern passed, however.
5/31 - fixed bind off. needs reblocking…
blocked. looks good.

Swatch #9: Smocking Stitch
pattern used: Barbara Walker pg 134.
5/26/13 - wrote out pattern.
5/29 - knitted.
5/31- blocking.
need to do this one over again - my ribbing is not consistent like it should be.
6/7 - knitting over again.
6/10 - blocking. looks much better.
10/2 - needs to be redone to balance it vertically. Will start on it after I get the bavarian swatch done…
11/28/13 - re-knit. blocking.
5/29/14 - passed.

Swatch #10: Elongated Stitch
pattern used: Seafoam Stitch (modified) from BW
5/4 - knitted.
5/5/13 - blocking
Not sure if I’m happy with this one, we’ll see…
…I think it looks ok after all, I’ll stay with it.
5/29/14 - passed.

Swatch #11: Bavarian or Austrian Traveling Stitch
pattern used: ‘Sunny Mountain’ and ‘Snake’ (mirrored)
5/28 - charted pattern. started knitting.
may have to go up a needle size on this one…
6/20 - it looks better, but my purls are still too sloppy, and the pattern could be improved, so I’m starting over again.
6/21 - putting this in time out for now. Very mad at it. ;-)
9/30 - knitting a new swatch…
10/2 - had the swatch in progress looked at by the committee members at Masters Day, said it was looking good, so I’m continuing with it…
10/9 - done. Needs to be blocked, I think it looks pretty good so far…
11/28 - ack! The rows right below the bind off edge are missing some cable crosses! And the cast on edge looks crappy. This will have to be re-knit AGAIN! :-(
…after putting it in time out once more, I’ve decided I should be able to tink the bind off and last couple rows and fix the row with the mistake. The cast on edge doesn’t look as bad as I was thinking.
12/17 - the cast off edge has been redone, and the chart revised to include cables at the end. blocked.
5/29/14 - swatch and pattern passed, but the chart needs revising to simplify it.
5/30- reworked chart(s) and edited pattern to match.

Swatch #12: Entrelac
6/7 - writing pattern.
6/10 - redid pattern.
6/11 - knitting.
6/17 - got one and a half swatches done. Don’t like the method I’m using, so I’m going to go back to the drawing board and revamp my pattern and start over.
Nope, scratch that - I just redid the top and it looks much better.
…nope, now that it’s blocking I can tell that I’ll need to do it over - my tension is crap.
6/21 - reknitting, going down a needle size.
6/22/13 - done. blocking. looks much better.
5/29/14 - swatch passed, but pattern needs resubmitting.
5/30 -edited pattern

Swatch #13: Double Knitting
4/16/13 - started working on swatch. Beginning looks wonky, but I’m doing the rest of the swatch to perfect my technique. Gauge seems to be on target using size 4 needles.
4/20 - third attempt looks good. We’ll see how I feel about it after I block it.
4/26/13 - blocking.
looks good.
5/29/14 - swatch passed, but info sheets needs a bit more info included.
5/30 - edited sheet

Swatch #14: Slip Stitch
pattern used (final swatch): Thorn pattern from BW #2.
pattern used (attempt #1): Textured Slip Stitch (from Ballband Dishcloth pattern)
5/6 - wrote pattern and knitted.
5/31 - blocking.
Need to do this one again - my selvedge edges are crap. I may pick a different pattern to use as well.
6/5 - picked the ‘Thorn’ pattern instead. knitted swatch.
6/6/13 - blocked. looks much better.
5/29/14 - swatch and pattern passed, but I didn’t carry my yarn up the side ideally. I have to submit a small swatch showing the correct method.
6/1 - knitted and blocked small swatch.

Swatch #15: Mosaic Stitch
pattern used:
5/22 - wrote pattern and knitted swatch.
5/31/13 - blocking
looks alright, I think.
5/29/14 - swatch passed, pattern and chart need revising. And a chart needs to be included.
5/30 - ordered BW’s ‘Mosaic Knitting’ to use as additional reference. should get here Monday. I really should have used this as a reference to begin with, but I was low on book funds towards the end of working on my level 3 materials!
6/2 - book arrived, revised pattern.

Swatch #16: Charted Symbols
5/29 - researching pattern motifs…
6/17 - charting out design.
6/22 - knitting. possibly too wide in worsted weight. Seeing if I can use fingering instead…
nope - have to use worsted. charting out new design.
6/24/13 - knitted, blocking.
5/29/14 - all passed.

Swatch #17: Charted Intarsia
5/23 - charted out a design.
5/24 - started knitting
5/26 - after about three starts and frogs I think I finally have an acceptable swatch, we’ll see how it looks once I’ve blocked it.
5/31/13 - blocking.
Gonna make do with this one, and hope it’s good enough.
5/29/14 - passed!

Swatch #18: Charted Duplicate Stitch
5/29 - charted pattern.
5/30 - started knitting.
6/5 - done with swatch. blocking.
6/7 - doing duplicate stitch… blocking again.
10/2 - looked at by committee members at Masters Day - I have a few split stitches and a couple spots where I didn’t anchor the yarn before changing directions. Need to redo the duplicate stitch in those spots, we’ll see how much I need to rip out…
11/3 - picking it all out to do it over.
12/9 - redid the duplicate stitch, now I just need to re-block it.
12/17/13 - blocked.
5/29/14 - swatch needs redone - there are two spots where my contrasting yarn shows through to the front (ugh!!) pattern and chart passed.
5/30 - the spots were actually where I wove my tail ends in incorrectly, so this was an easy(ish) fix. Done.

Swatch #19: Lace Doily
4/21/13 - started on doily. center start looks too loose.
4/23/13 - finished first doily and started a second one. This center start looks much better.
4/26/13 - blocking
5/29/14 - passed!

4/20/13 - answered several of the questions, need to do some research.
4/26 - answered a few more questions. researching some of the others.
5/20 - answered more questions - only a few left that need answered.
6/17 - finishing up questions. DONE!
5/29/14 - 4 questions need clarification and more info.
5/30 - clarified/added more info to questions 1,9,13. Waiting until I get ‘Mosaic Knitting’ to tackle #11.
6/2 - book arrived, answered #11 in more detail.

12/17/13 - starting to write reviews.
5/29/14 - all passed.

Fiber Report:
6/4 - writing
6/5 - writing…
6/7 - done. hubby proofed. tweaking.
6/24 - hubby proofed again. Sending to a couple other people to proofread as well.
5/29/14 - passed.

Traditional Knitting Report:
7/1 - starting to write. Decided on the traditions of Orenburg Lace and Estonian Lace.
12/2 - finished report, and hubby proof read it. I have quite a bit of editing I need to do.
12/17 - done.
5/29/14 - passed.

View project pages for more info on projects
hat and sweater
5/29/14 - Both projects and patterns associated passed.

5/29/14 - received notebook back with some resubmits needed.

Swatches/Info sheets/patterns:
Swatch 1, and information sheet. My tubular cast on was not truly a tubular cast on.
Swatch 2 sheet (some errors.)
Swatch 3 sheet (needs clarification.)
Swatch 5 sheet (needs added directions)
Swatch 8. My BO is not in pattern (ugh! Stupid mistake!)
Swatch 11 chart (chart can be improved)
Swatch 12 pattern (pattern sheet can be improved)
Swatch 13 sheet (needs more info)
Swatch 14 - needs a small technique sample submitted. My carrying of the yarns up one side was not ideal.
Swatch 15 pattern and chart. needs a chart included and the pattern needs re-written.
Swatch 18 - my tacking in a couple spots shows through to the front. UGH. lol!

1 (needs more info/clarification)
9 (ditto)
11 (ditto)
13 (needs clarification - after swatch resubmission is knitted)

That’s it. Seems like a lot all listed out, but it’s really not that much.

viewed 860 times | helped 7 people
April 16, 2013
March 16, 2014
About this pattern
175 projects, in 50 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
110 yards / 50 grams

101679 projects

stashed 76992 times

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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Merino
110 yards / 50 grams

52069 projects

stashed 28554 times

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About this yarn
by StahlSche Wolle
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
224 yards / 50 grams

435 projects

stashed 549 times

heatherstorta's star rating
  • Project created: April 16, 2013
  • Finished: March 16, 2014
  • Updated: June 12, 2014
  • Progress updates: 12 updates