April 8 - I had trouble finding needles short enough in 10mm for this top. I got short 9’s so I’ll go with those. I’ve tripled the yarn.
April 10 - this is going so fast - it’ll be done this weekend, no problem. It seems really small but others have said that it stretches a lot. My fingers are crossed.
Apr 11 - Sigh… I was 85% done when I tried it on and it’s too tight - it stretches so much that it’s sheer. I posted pre-frog photos. I’m not sure yet how far I’ll rip back… I think I should make a large with this needle size. Good thing it’s such a quick knit. :)
April 12- Round 2 notes (in progress):
I frogged to just before the bind-off for the arms then:
- 1 extra ragland increase
- 5 stitches under arm
- skipped the decrease round, after I made the arm holes I knitted about 8ish rows, inc, knit 8 rows, inc in front only, 8 rows, dec but on the sides centered under the arms, 8 rows, dec, 7 rows, inc centered front & back, 8 rows between the next inc then knit until it’s long enough.
The way I did the increases and decreases in the bustline makes kind of a teardrop shape that I wasn’t sure about but now I think it’s okay. It fits so much better… it stretches still but not so much that it looks like it’s straining like it did the first time I knit it.
When I bound off I had to redo it with a larger needle (12mm) because it was too tight and didn’t hang. Looks great now, I’m very happy with how it turned out!
(note to self - could easily do 6 stitches under arm)
(gave this one away—never wear it)