Threaded Conversation
June 8, 2013
June 16, 2013

Threaded Conversation

Project info
Dangling Conversation by Mindy Ross
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
LYS Sample
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Shibui Knits Linen
Conversational Threads Fiber Arts Studio in Emmaus, Pennsylvania
June 7, 2013


I am making this for the LYS where I have been working. (If anyone has been wondering where I’ve been, it’s at the shop!)

The truth is, I am overwhelmed with everything that’s been going on lately but I simply couldn’t resist casting on this coincidentally, appropriately named pattern.

In the time I chose this pattern, I discovered that the shop will be celebrating it’s 4th anniversary this week. Guess what the modern-day 4th anniversary gift is? Linen!

And all those times I said I hate knitting Linen? I take it back!

Out of all the needles I found that 24” Addi-Lace work best
Out of all the crochet hooks, I found that a Boye 9/1.4 works best. A Susan Bates 8/1.4 worked second best although I don’t know why they aren’t the same size.

This is my first time beading knitting. It’s not hard once you have the right tools and ignore the deceptive tutorial pictures that I happened to look at.

The beads are 6/0 but I forgot the color or brand.

Update The pack says 6/0 Miyuki Matte Iris Met.

I think they’re a perfect match for the yarn.

Mods I made the smaller size and near the end, it seemed like I had quite a bit of yarn left. I ended up dong an extra row or two (Went to 92 instead of 90) and added an additional eyelet row before binding off. I didn’t add the beads to the bind-off but now I wish I had. Maybe I’ll redo it. Jeny’s Suprisingly Stretchy bind-off is surprisingly enjoyable as well.

viewed 960 times | helped 17 people
June 8, 2013
June 16, 2013
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Shibui Knits
100% Linen / Flax
246 yards / 50 grams

4793 projects

stashed 6054 times

hellskitsch's star rating
  • Project created: June 12, 2013
  • Updated: October 27, 2013
  • Progress updates: 2 updates