Boy Scout Basketweave
January 13, 2012
April 1, 2012

Boy Scout Basketweave

Project info
Basketcase Socks by Kate H
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
the Hubmaster
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Jo-Ann Sensations Bamboo & Ewe Pattern
4 skeins = 1048.0 yards (958.3 meters), 240 grams
Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts in Connecticut
January 12, 2012

making these 40 sts on the instep and 35 sts on the sole to begin. knitting backeards rather than turning the whole way.

1/21/12 - had to frog back to the toe and make it smaller. ;/

I ended up knitting the pattern width, but made them foot and cuff longer. The first sock used up every bit of the skein. I had to start a second skein for the second. Luckily I bought extra knowing that he has big feet.

viewed 139 times | helped 1 person
January 13, 2012
April 1, 2012
About this pattern
162 projects, in 403 queues
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About this yarn
by Jo-Ann Sensations
55% Wool, 30% Nylon, 15% Rayon from Bamboo
262 yards / 60 grams

1715 projects

stashed 1433 times

herself75's star rating
  • Project created: January 17, 2012
  • Updated: April 2, 2012
  • Progress updates: 7 updates