Flight of Icarus
May 26, 2011
January 21, 2012

Flight of Icarus

Project info
Icarus Shawl by Miriam L. Felton
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
Alpaca with a Twist Fino
1.05 skeins = 918.8 yards (840.1 meters), 105 grams
For Yarn’s Sake in Beaverton, Oregon

started off with a big yarn barf/knot, but now I’m rolling along in the first pass on chart 1.

7/12/11- almost done with chart #1. sailing through it, but the next 3 charts kinda scare me. going to have to add a lifeline and stitch markers for each pattern repeat. loving this yarn too! so soft and will drape nicely.

9/19/11- finally finished chart 1. adding my lifeline before I dive into chart #2.

10/13/11- done with chart #3! I added lifelines between charts so that i would not need them. so far it is working! I just hope I dont run out of yarn!

1/10/12- three rows left of chart 4 and I am out of yarn… sigh…

1/21/12 - got the yarn yesterday. finished last night. soaked this morning and blocking now!

viewed 71 times
May 26, 2011
January 21, 2012
About this pattern
2315 projects, in 2028 queues
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About this yarn
by Alpaca with a Twist
70% Alpaca, 30% Silk
875 yards / 100 grams

3044 projects

stashed 3344 times

herself75's star rating
  • Project created: January 5, 2010
  • Updated: January 21, 2012
  • Progress updates: 7 updates