improvised hat design to use up various red/red-orange scraps and partial skeins. cast on 88 stitches, knit a 1 by 1 rib for as long as i could stand it. switched to larger needles and mistake rib (row 1: * k1, p3 * , row 2: * k2, p1, k1 * ). found out that i had the wrong number of repeats to do four decreasing spokes, so i had to fudge around a bit to get it down to the right number. quite pleased with my decreases!
i alternated rows between two different scraps. my primary yarn used was two partial skeins of berroco ultra alpaca light in a dark brick red. for the cast on, it was alternated with another orange-red of unkown origin. then berroco ultra alpaca leftover from the belafonte. a tiny scrap of plymouth yarn boku for the stripe in the middle, and finished off with the leftover mystery acrylic from my urban bolero.
i don’t want to block this because i don’t want to lose the squishy-ness and three dimensionality of the mistake ribs, but the top does become a bit pointy. i think it’s charming, but a quick steam to the top would probably fix it.