that's a lotta sock
December 18, 2010
February 17, 2011

that's a lotta sock

Project info
dependent on my foot and calf size
my snowboarding boots:) :) :)
mine-sock around foot is 64 stitches
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Regia Cotton Weekend Color
2 skeins = 874.0 yards (799.2 meters), 200 grams

First FO of 2011!!
out of 2 skeins i still 69.5 grams left

i bought two skeins of this to try to make some knee highs. i made some for my husband last year with casbah sock and they grew like crazy and fall down his legs. so i thought maybe since i’m a little more familiar with how this whole knitting thing works, i could give it another try.

First sock:
cast on 16 using judy’s magic cast on 2 24” circs.

knit one round, then did rounded toe until i had 64 stitches total--For second sock I plan on casting on 20 and go from there to get 64 stitches total.

knit until sock measured 8” off foot. For next sock, knit till sock measures 7 3/4.

started heel on needle 2; did short row heel with 11 stitches wrapped on each side and 10 center stitches. For next sock, do 10 on each side and 12 center stitches.

also picked up one extra stitch on each side but knit it together with another stitch to prevent holes.

worked sock til it was at the bottom of my calf, and then i did increases using the invisible increase mentioned here. it is awesome.

then i started working increases and decreases to fit my calfs. i continuously tried the sock on over and over (so not sure why it is a tad too long in the foot) in order to make sure it would fit over my calf and then i started the decreases to make sure it wouldn’t fall off where my calf starts to slim down. so this worked for me, but i tried the sock on LOTS and Lots to get a good fit. and i still kind of goofed on the foot…but i am not ripping it out, it is wearable and not uncomfortable.

Round 1: needle 1: knit
needle 2: m1, knit to last stitch m1, k1.
Rounds 2 & 3: knit
i did this until i had a total of 68 stitches on needle 2, then i knit 9 rounds. then i started to decrease like so:
round 1: needle 1, knit; needle 2: ssk, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog
round 2: knit
i did this until i had decreased a total of 12 stitches, then i did the following decreases:
round 1: needle 1: knit; needle 2: ssk, k12, ssk, k24, k2tog, k12, k2tog (52 stitches on needle 2).

knit 1 round

Knit needle 1. Needle 2: ssk, k11, ssk, k22, k2tog, k11, k2tog (48 stitches on needle 2).

Knit 1 round

Needle 1: knit. Needle 2: ssk, k10, ssk, k20, k2tog, k10, k2tog (44 stitches)

Knit 1 round

Needle 1: knit. Needle 2: ssk, k9, ssk, k18, k2tog, k9, k2tog (40 stitches)

Knit 1 round

Start cuff: k1tbl, p1 repeat for 20 rounds. i used the yarn over bind off.

the way i did the increases and decreases looks a little bit odd, but you can’t tell when the sock is on.
my goal was to make a pair of knee socks that i can use when snowboarding. maybe i can perfect the increase and decrease portion…on the other sock. the first sock fits perfectly with the exception that i made the foot about 4 rows too long :(but it fits. and will work for what i want to use them for.

first sock started dec 18, 2010. finished dec 29, 2010 (had to rip out foot twice) :(

second sock started on jan 6
started increases for calf on feb 12 (this project sits around being lazy a lot, bad socks!)

viewed 22 times | helped 1 person
December 18, 2010
February 17, 2011
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Regia
41% Wool, 34% Cotton, 25% Nylon
437 yards / 100 grams

129 projects

stashed 64 times

imaginethatanid's star rating
  • Project created: December 29, 2010
  • Finished: February 17, 2011
  • Updated: December 31, 2017
  • Progress updates: 4 updates