Parallellogram Wrap
Merino singles minis
MC is 65% Merino/20% Silk/15% Yak singles
Using 14 minis - half reds/pinks/oranges and half turquoises/blues/greens
2 solid minis for the centre section
The remaining 12 minis down each side
Cast on an extra 52 stitches which will equate to two extra CC stripes in the side panels. So 12 stripes each side.
6 minis each side so repeating each of the colours - So each mini along the sides will be used twice.
Starting weights for minis (Merino singles)
A Red solid 20g
B Teal solid 19g
C Pink semi solid 20g
D Orange variegated 21g
E Autumn variegated 23g
F Old Rose Semi solid 20g
G Red/pink/orange variegated 20g
H Yellow/Pink variegated 20g
I Royal semi solid 20g
J grey/bluevariegated 21g
K Jewel greens variegated 22g
L Red/blue variegated 19g
M Turquoise variegated 22g
N Greens variegated 20g
Test survey:
What type/weight of yarn did you use?
SW Merino singles, silk merino singles, and merino yak singles, all in sock weight
What size needle did you use?
How much yarn did you use? Amount in grams per color. Each FOUR garter rows in the centre section used 13g.
Each contrast colour side panel used 12g
Did the project come out to the dimensions specified?
No but I made it longer deliberately - adding 2 extra side panels as discussed with designer. It is HUGE - but that’s exactly how I wanted it.
Was the pattern layout easy to read and follow?
Yes very. I wish they were all so clear!
Were the instructions, diagrams, pictures, etc. presented in a logical way?
Yes very and the diagram enabled me to make notes on colour choices.
Were there any rows (or parts of the pattern) you found confusing? Which ones and why?
Did you find any errors in the pattern (that were not already mentioned in the thread)? If so, where?
Were there any specific techniques for the pattern that were not explained well?
Were the instructions for adapting the pattern based on the weight of your minis easy to understand?
Yes - fairly.
How much time (in hours) did it take you to complete the project?
I didn’t measure but for me in the evenings it was a 3 week project (only taking longer as I had some issues that prevented regular knitting for a while)
How would you rate the difficulty of this pattern? Why?
Adventurous Beginner
Any other suggestions for improvement (anything at all!)?
Would you like to be earburned for future tests?
Yes please.