sunny spread afghan (tide pool)
March 1, 2018
December 28, 2018

sunny spread afghan (tide pool)

Project info
Sunny Spread by Ellen Gormley
165 x 140 cm
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
4,129 yards
Beijer Populair
16 skeins = 2292.2 yards (2096.0 meters), 800 grams
Wibra Fenna
7 skeins = 1837.3 yards (1680.0 meters), 700 grams

The sunny spread pattern has a lovely organic feel to it. In these colors it reminds me of the skeleton of a sea urchin or a starfish.

But because I used the fenna which has different colors in one skein, the pattern of the Sunny Spread wasn’t completely usable. When changing for the next row, the color had a break I didn’t like.
So I started again and I changed it and started in the 3rd. or 4th row to make it a spiral instead. That took care of the colors changing gradually.
Instead of stopping the row with a and then chain 3 for the beginning of the next row, I do a, then a st., hdc, dc but when I change the row when there are 3 stitches between the ‘ribs’ I skip the dc. That gives a more gradually change in color-row.

november 18
The squares are almost finished. My friend saw the throw and begged for it, so it has a good home.

viewed 242 times | helped 5 people
March 1, 2018
December 28, 2018
About this pattern
2293 projects, in 2724 queues
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About this yarn
by Beijer
100% Acrylic
143 yards / 50 grams

211 projects

stashed 68 times

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About this yarn
by Wibra
100% Acrylic
262 yards / 100 grams

1166 projects

stashed 521 times

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  • Project created: August 8, 2018
  • Finished: January 29, 2019
  • Updated: September 3, 2020
  • Progress updates: 6 updates