Heaven Mitts
February 1, 2015
February 13, 2015

Heaven Mitts

Project info
Heaven Mitts by Julie Partie
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
shop sample for The Village Knitter
thevillageknitter on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Stonehedge Fiber Mill Shepherd's Wool DK
0.7 skeins = 84.0 yards (76.8 meters), 35 grams
The Village Knitter in Babylon, New York

knit to 16.5 cm before beginning thumb increases

If I had knit them shorter…I might have been able to get a pair out of the skein.

viewed 21 times
February 1, 2015
February 13, 2015
About this pattern
394 projects, in 689 queues
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About this yarn
by Stonehedge Fiber Mill
100% Merino
120 yards / 50 grams

561 projects

stashed 563 times

katyknits' star rating
  • Originally queued: January 20, 2015
  • Project created: January 20, 2015
  • Updated: February 17, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates