May 29, 2016
June 5, 2016


Project info
Happypotamus The Happy Hippo by Heidi Bears
Emma Rose
Hooks & yarn
2.25 mm (B)
Knit Picks Palette

Made of scraps of Palette in white, red, brown, orange, green, and yellow. Seamed with blue, and with blue for the eye motifs.

Following LaurenC’s suggestion of skipping round 5 and joining the motifs with SC:

It was only when I got to the nose that I thought of a simple way to make the ends of the seams neater, by drawing a loop through the end of whatever seam abuts the seam I’m working on. D’oh! Well, I went back and used a yarn needle and blue yarn to tidy up a few of the gaps that showed the most.

Since I skipped round 5 I needed to make the ears cup more, so on round 3 I worked only 5 DCs into each chain space instead of 7.

Skipping round 5 made a more petite hippo and REALLY cut down on the hours needed to create her! I think she’s absolutely adorable :) :) :)

viewed 50 times
May 29, 2016
June 5, 2016
About this pattern
4194 projects, in 3770 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
231 yards / 50 grams

98165 projects

stashed 145360 times

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  • Project created: May 31, 2016
  • Finished: June 5, 2016
  • Updated: June 6, 2016