Bojagi No. 2
October 18, 2020
October 26, 2020

Bojagi No. 2

Project info
Bojagi Shawl by knitboop designs
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
568 yards = 4 skeins
Rauma Tumi
1 skein = 142.0 yards (129.8 meters), 50 grams
Rauma Tumi
1 skein = 142.0 yards (129.8 meters), 50 grams
Rauma Tumi
2 skeins = 284.0 yards (259.7 meters), 100 grams

Used heavier weight yarn so I used bigger needles. Such a fun knit. I’ve knit this pattern one time before and highly recommend it. I just knit until I almost ran out of yarn so the final garter section was not as long. I also did fewer rows of the lace section. I love the lace design in this pattern.

Modification. On the edge stitches I think the pattern specifies slip one knit wise and I found that unnatural for me so I just slip one purl wise instead.

Bought this super nice yarn at YARNFEST years ago to make a design called Endless Rose Cowl. I lost interest in that project but it is a super lovely design.

viewed 72 times
October 18, 2020
October 26, 2020
About this pattern
748 projects, in 940 queues
kimfluck's overall rating
kimfluck's clarity rating
kimfluck's difficulty rating
kimfluck's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Fun
  2. Addictive
About this yarn
by Rauma
50% Alpaca, 50% Wool
142 yards / 50 grams

1931 projects

stashed 1344 times

kimfluck's star rating
  • Project created: October 23, 2020
  • Updated: October 28, 2020