Building with Lace
January 30, 2019
September 13, 2019

Building with Lace

Project info
Building With Lace by Michelle Hunter
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
22 stitches and 29 rows = 4 inches
HiKoo® by skacel Rylie
5 skeins = 1370.0 yards (1252.7 meters), 500 grams
Yarned & Dangerous in Canon City, Colorado
October 7, 2017

Always great to work on a KnitPurlHunter project. Well written pattern instructions and excellent video tutorials available for free on line.

Glad I did a few gauge swatches. Size US 6 yield a swatch that was far too big. Size US 4 is working well. Yarn is pretty ad soft, but a bit splitty… but that’s okay.

2/2/19 almost done with section 1… stitches markers added FINALLY! Close call! ugh. Stitch markers are a must.

2/3/19 finished section 1 and started section 2. Loving this section.

2/5/19 section 2 Done. Loved knitting this portion. Only did lifeline after RS set up row.

4/4/19 started section 3. 4/7/19 almost done. Enjoying this section as well. Love that I can just look at the pattern at the beginning of the row and memorize the repeat. Relaxing knit.

Well, I did not keep the best notes. Each border too about 21 grams.

Blocked by soaking the entire piece. Challenging to block something so large.

viewed 74 times
January 30, 2019
September 13, 2019
About this pattern
478 projects, in 165 queues
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About this yarn
by HiKoo® by skacel
50% Alpaca, 25% Silk, 25% Linen / Flax
274 yards / 100 grams

1960 projects

stashed 1883 times

kimfluck's star rating
  • Project created: January 30, 2019
  • Finished: September 13, 2019
  • Updated: September 17, 2019