It's A Wedding Afghan!
April 7, 2019
August 7, 2019

It's A Wedding Afghan!

Project info
Burridge Lake Aran Afghan by Anna Dalvi
Pierre-Luc et Phillip
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Knit Picks Swish Worsted
none left in stash
15.2 skeins = 3344.0 yards (3057.8 meters), 1520 grams
March 27, 2019

Because I’m so original with titles.

Anyway! This is for my cousin, Pierre-Luc, and his fiance, Philip. They are to wed in September and I thought this would be a good gift.

Due to Real Life shenanigans, however, I’m not even going to be able to buy the yarn until spring. xx But I wanna start it now, I wanna start it now! xx

Mods and errata

  • knitting all three panels together because I hate sewing like poison
  • provisional cast on so I can knit on the bottom edge after because, well, sewing xx
  • that weird panel that has increases and k3tog on the wrong side--due to the way I knit (right to left and then left to right because I don’t like turning the piece I’m knitting), this panel I deemed too difficult and replaced it with double moss stitch
  • errata! I’m using the 6 buck paid version because it’s just so gorgeous, I had to appreciate the designer. Most errors have been fixed--howeverrow 29 of chart B--the very centermost cable C6F and not C6B. The middle cable is repeated twice in this chart and, uh, yeah. Should be a front cable, there, to match row 5
  • I’m not referring to chart C at all--doing chart A, chart B, and then chart A again. The symmetry of having all the cables crossing opposite ways on each side pleases me, but trying to keep such things straight was threatening to drive me buggy at the beginning. xx
  • if you’re using stitch markers, look at the charts and decide how you’ll place them from that--the tables of how many stitches are jn each section were confusing and I regret I followed it for the 2 chart As. Chart B, I decided and it’s broken up in a much more logical (to me) manner.


Right. I’ve had the yarn for four days now. Maybe it’s time to start knitting this thing. ^^

I’ve set up my swift in front of my TV so I can wind the hanks into balls. Actual balls, because I’m still hip-deep in moving boxes (and more still in the garage xx) and I think I know where my ballwinder is … ? But I’m waaaay too lazy to check. And it’s pretty meditative, winding yarn into balls while watching Youtube.


One ball in, hurrah! :DDD Notes forthcoming on what mods I made and errors I’ve found. Bottom-most picture is one ball of yarn (plus two rows from the next ball because I was too much in the zone to stop and take a picture) across all three panels.

Damn, I have so much more to knit xx


Second picture from bottom is a row or so after I added the third ball of yarn. :D A slight delay in the way of an attempted Blood Sacrifice for a good Easter dessert (it worked out deliciously, but the gauze and bandages made my finger too big to knit with for a few days ;_;).


Third pic from the bottom is with three full balls of yarn (and the fourth just attached) and just barely starting on the third repeat of Chart B. :D I am also garnering a ton of compliments on this, which feeds my ego quite nicely. I am also enjoying the feel of the yarn as I knit. Ahhhh, merino …


Right, four full balls on and the fifth just started. Pic is, of course, fourth from the bottom. :D

Our new place has a deck that’s pretty much perfect for summer knitting--in the shade, but still warm. I tried it out yesterday and confused the puppies (and mebbe my family) by being outside on my own, voluntarily. We’ll see how this spot fares with things like mosquitos.


Right. Fifth pic from the bottom is five full balls (and two rows of the sixth? ^^’ I maaaaaybe keep on forgetting to take pictures after I join a new ball of yarn). I am about three and a half repeats of chart B done, so I am very nearly a quarter of the way through, hurrah! :D My cats have been super helpful in donating their fur, thanks, cats. xx Also, walking on it when I’ knitting, sitting on the pattern, trying to headrub the moving needles, Tori, really?! xx

Also, I really need to ball up more of the skeins. xx


Six full balls on and a seventh started. No pic because I’m at work and work has sticky things about taking pics at work. Also, lazy. Also, hot with a quarter blanket on my lap. xx


Okay. Tenth ball has beem attached. Previous balls not yet mentioned were not mentioned because I have the lazy. No pic this time, either, for the same reason and also I’m at work and this thing is starting to get heavy. xx

Also five repeats, so i’m a third of the way there, yay! :DDD


Fun fact: This afghan will take me approximately 256 hours (10-ish full days) to knit. shudders And that’s not actually including the top and bottom edging I’ll be knitting on.

I am seven of sixteen repeats into this and have a month and a half-ish left. And each row takes about 20 minutes. xx

No. Okay. Positive thoughts. I can totes do this!


Ahhhhhh, I am DONE! :D Due to me misunderstanding the pattern, I actually knit more than I needed to (by pattern repeat, at least. By measured length, I knit Just Enough). More on that embarrassing little mishap later, when I am not tired and exhausted and can coherently explain what happened and why I said fuckit and didn’t complete one last full repeat.

Right now, I celebrate! And then snooze because I don’t know why, but I am so tiiiiiired. xx

Whoops, I forgot to add the yarn I was knitting with to my stash. xx I will claim stress for, uh, that little mistake. Fifteen balls, plus a tiny bit of a sixteenth, for when I do add.

Waiting on some Soak to wash this mofo and to buy a tarp to lay with on while it dries. Yaaaaaaay, I am so happy! :D

viewed 112 times | helped 2 people
April 7, 2019
August 7, 2019
About this pattern
310 projects, in 1173 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Merino
110 yards / 50 grams

51821 projects

stashed 28415 times

kirana's star rating
  • Project created: January 21, 2019
  • Updated: November 15, 2019
  • Progress updates: 5 updates