So! Another attempt at making a thank you blanket! Although I’m still about halfway sure I’ll (eventually) finish the Serenity one. xx But this blanket has a tree theme which is awesome! ^^ And totally ties in with my first blanket-gift to them!
So much purling, though … . ;_;
Will be knitting on the leaf edging of Saroyan. I thought I’d done the necessary cqlculations, but … something tells me I forgot something. xx Will re-look over things and post what I go with.
Modded border.
- 1 extra increase row to get the right number of stitches
- mirrored Saroyan leaf chart--last stitch on the right side is knit with two from the blanket
- selveged the leaf edge, which may have been a tactical mistake--the border is less elastic than the body of the blanket xx
- you should have 75 leaves. That’s a lot of leaves, dammit. xx
Officially more than halfway done casting off, yay!
I am so happy, I could cry. The casting off and knitting on of the edging is jus that little bit more complicated. I haven’t been able to read and knit since I started casting off and watching TV (or Youtube) is also out as I can’t actually do even that with this cast off. xx
I figured out my math and will be posting my edging mods soon. Amd, uh, in a neayer format than what I’m acty using (handrawn chart in my knitbook with, possibly, coffee stains. And in blue-green ink, ‘cause I gotta be me).
Done like dinner! ^^ Totally finished making leaves/casting off at five this morning because I couldn’t get back to sleep. ^^’ But it’s done! Donedonedone! I have all the happiness! ^^
Final connecting of last leaf to first leaf probably should have been seamed, but I managed to do some probably very clumsy picking up of stitches from the first leaf and then, effectively, knitting it together with three of the last leaf (2 and the last k4tog). Eh, anything that keeps me from trying to sew things is good.