Fire Flowers and Sparks
November 29, 2018
December 7, 2018

Fire Flowers and Sparks

Project info
Potpourri Cowl by Rose Beck
Neck / TorsoCowl
Sekrit! :D
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Knit Picks Hawthorne Sport Multi
none left in stash
1.5 skeins = 387.0 yards (353.9 meters), 150 grams
August 18, 2017

Because I’m pants at actually naming things. xx

hHis is intended as a gift exchange gift because I am forever … not short on funds? But any funds I can save by stash-diving are funds … I can use to pad my stash, yay! ^^

Also, I’m pretty sure I won’t feel too terribly bad if, y’know, I had to take this cowl home with me again. :D


Okay, so I learned a lot from this pattern. Sadly, not because I didn’t know how to do things, but … . Lemme just show you.

One. I learned that, when one has a yarn swift, one takes it out to ball out yarn. One does not, as a random example, forgo the five minutes of work it would take to set up said swift in favour of just laying the hank of yarn on a flat surface (or a rumply bed. It doesn’t really much matter). One does not do this because, if one does this, one spends at least two hours balling up something that should have taken ten minutes, max. Guess which path I chose.

Two. When one modifies a pattern (such as to add repeats to mae a thing longer), one should pay attention and make sure one is knitting off of the right chart. Yeha, I’m missinga row because I chose, in my infinite wisdom, to repeat chart C instead of chart B. xx

Three. Names. Naming the FO. Names are hard, okay? Except I had, like, five potential names for this. It was awesome! ^^ This is not a bad thing and I’m not exactly sure how or if it’s something I learned in the course of this pattern, but it’s definitely neat.

That said, aside from my own mistakes (see: all three paragraphs above. Except maybe that last one?), this pattern was a joy and a pleasure to knit. I did end up completely doing away with chart B (by accident! xx) and instead repeated chart C 8 times instead, soI sort of missed the point of the perspectve of the flowers fading into the distance and growing smaller, which is why this FO is now called “Fire Flowers and Sparks” because Chart C also looks kinda sparky with this yarn.

As always, this yarn is a joy to work with and I weep that it costs so much. But it’s so pretty. And it knits up so well. And the yarn is so well-defined. And I love it.

This is destined to be a gift exchange gift that I would not mind stealing for my own self. :D

viewed 8 times
November 29, 2018
December 7, 2018
About this pattern
95 projects, in 289 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
80% Wool, 20% Nylon
258 yards / 100 grams

1640 projects

stashed 2121 times

kirana's star rating
  • Project created: November 29, 2018
  • Updated: December 12, 2018