Overall notes:
The pattern is great - well written and easy to follow! It’s really fab of Caryn Shaffer to reconstruct this jumper in multiple sizes (and make charts AND written instructions for the cables). I’d never done cables before, but once I got the hang of them (on a test swatch) I found them easy enough - just time consuming!
I caused problems for myself by going off piste in terms of fit and construction. The jumper recipient wanted it slim-fit so I sized down, and I knitted in the round as much as I could.
I found seaming at the top a lot easier than I thought I would. But I still wish I’d taken the time to convert this into a top-down project for myself. That way I could have checked the fit more easily and avoided my small armhole/steeking detour. (Other people knitting in the round bottom-up could just double check their maths and measurements/leave extra room at the armholes just in case and seam up - I just cocked up!)
My other change was adding a folded collar, which I think works really nicely. (Note: I think following the pattern as written, you could juuuuust make the XS size with just 7 skeins of Swish Worsted.)
New techniques:
- Cables
- Twisted tubular cast on (and off)
- Steeking (and crochet!)
Project notes:
XS is for 36in circumference, S for 40in.
Jamie measures 38/37 breathing in/out, and would like it quite fitted, so I think the XS would be best
Working bottom up in the round. Used this video for a twisted tubular cast on:
9 rows of twisted rib.
Must remember to do a twisted tubular bind off too: https://youtu.be/6ZCQlNRb2hw
Forgot to reverse the set up row since I’m working in the round. Need to undo last row.
Based on other jumpers, I think I’ll need about 40cm in the body before splitting for the arms
Split for the sleeves now the body measures 40cm long (108 rounds of cable). When I start the front, start on pattern row 6 for panel A and 2 for both panel B and C (WS)
Just about hit 23 inches on the back. Do two more rows so I leave the pattern in a nice spot (ie 1 rs 1 ws) then put stitches on a spare wire. Will see if I want do do Kitchener.
Front measures just shy of 20 inches. I’d like to end panel C at the end of a repeat, so do two more rows (1 rs 1 ws) before casting off.
Ended up continuing to knit both shoulders after finishing the decreases to match the length of the back.
Tried Kitchener and it was a hot mess. I think I might have managed to get the stitches misaligned, but regardless the long stretches of non cabled cables looked off. I undid and bound off, ready to just seam tomorrow.
I made the arm holes too small
If only I’d erred on the side of making them too big, then I could at least have seamed them up. Now I’m gonna try steeking - about 10 stitches down should so it. Tomorrow when I’m less crazy, I’ll double check that against the number of stitches I need to pick up.
Steeking was a success. I crocheted reinforcements on either side then cut 7 stitches to add about an inch. Then picked up and knit 84 stitches.
Paused for a try-on three quarters way down the sleeve. My next problem to worry about is the length of the body. I followed the XS measurements because he wanted it slim fit, but the body is looking a little short on him. I also wish I’d knitted up further before binding off the front centre because now it’s got a very low neckline. I blocked it before picking up stitches for the arms, but will have to try a more aggressive block to lengthen it. This might just do the trick, since I was initially worried about stretching it out.
Pausing sleeve at 112 rows (lines 2,2 and 6 in the pattern) before I can fit check.
Ok, so length issues were resolved by a more aggressive block! Sleeves are right length, so I’m switching to smaller needles (3.75mm) for rib. Used the instructions for the set up row to decrease, adding an extra p2tog on the final two stitches.
Finished off with a folded collar. I made it about four inches long (before folding) to match the pattern intructions for a c. 2 in collar. This has also pretty much solved my misgivings about the neckline height! Annoying that I had to wind up one more skein specially for this, but I’m really pleased with the end result. Recipient also very pleased with the finished product! (Just one day late