Ashleigh's Favourite Things Scarf
June 30, 2013
July 28, 2013

Ashleigh's Favourite Things Scarf

Project info
'My Favourite Things' Infinity Scarf by Jill McGee
Neck / TorsoCowl
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
DK (11 wpi)

Quite a learning project - a number of “aha!!” moments :)
For darling daughter who is due home from European holiday in 3 more days- whew! just squeaked in.

First aha! was when amazing pro knitter at my LYS gently explained how my chosen superwash wools (Zara) would be best combined with “sticky” wools so designs would mesh better - promptly came home and ripped out my first design (owls) and reworked it as suggested - boy was she right!

Last aha! was the graft - think I had 8 goes at it last night until finally these beautiful stitches appeared and it magically sat there finished with an invisible join - I felt like a knitting genius!

Of course if dd not impressed will have to restyle it - cushion covers ??

ADDED: pics of my Charts as per message requests.

viewed 799 times | helped 1 person
June 30, 2013
July 28, 2013
About this pattern
1212 projects, in 2976 queues
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  • Originally queued: June 30, 2013
  • Project created: June 30, 2013
  • Finished: July 27, 2013
  • Updated: April 18, 2022
  • Progress updates: 3 updates