Luci's Princess Skirt
May 20, 2013
June 20, 2013

Luci's Princess Skirt

Project info
Starbella Ruffle Skirt by Milly Skutley
3 yr.
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
118 yards
Cascade Yarns ® Fixation Solid
88 yards in stash
1.02 skeins = 102.0 yards (93.3 meters), 51 grams
Loopy Ewe
Euro Yarns Broadway
38 yards in stash
0.5 skeins = 16.5 yards (15.1 meters), 50 grams
Yarns to Dye For in Frankfort, Illinois

I started another ruffle skirt for my great niece Luci. She requested pink and purple. I bought the ruffle yarn at the Knot just Knitting Retreat from Yarns to Dye For. It is Broadway by Euro Yarns. It has large holes so it seems to be much larger than the blue and green skirt.
5/30/13 This one I am putting 12 rows between the ruffles. The first ruffle I just purled in but because the holes in the yarn are larger it left a large gap in the row. The 2nd ruffle I added, I purled the fixation with the ruffle yarn and it seems to look much better. Although it probably won’t show in the end.
6/25/13 As soon as I get Luci’s waist measurement I will give it to her and get of picture of her wearing it.
6/30/13 Luci loved her skirt and it fit her perfectly. Another happy great niece. I only have 9 great nieces and 3 nieces under 7

viewed 117 times | helped 1 person
May 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
About this pattern
276 projects, in 219 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
98% Cotton, 2% Other
100 yards / 50 grams

7483 projects

stashed 7859 times

knitforewe's star rating
About this yarn
by Euro Yarns
Super Bulky
90% Acrylic, 10% Metallic
33 yards / 100 grams

85 projects

stashed 128 times

knitforewe's star rating
  • Originally queued: May 29, 2013
  • Project created: May 29, 2013
  • Finished: June 24, 2013
  • Updated: April 15, 2018
  • Progress updates: 4 updates