Many of the mods I’ve seen really work nicely.
Gauge 4.5/inch, 4.0 needle
Cast on 172 sts.
Use Provisional cast on. Why is provisional cast on so hard for me? Jeez, two evenings!
Knit 13 rows and on 14th row, join the hem w k2tog.
(whew - made a mistake while knitting hem, had to wrangle three needles to undo and set it up right. HOURS).
knit 20 rows and then start decreases.
plan on decreasing 4 times each side, 7 rows between each decrease. Then knit 7 rows and begin increases, again 7 rows between each decrease.
9/9: Okay. I’ve finished waist shaping and it’s at the part where I’ve begun the cable motif. Looking good.
9/10: nearly finished w/ cable detail. Tried it on last night. Good fit.
9/14: Split for arm shaping. Need to concentrate now, I am doing mods on the fly and will need to take notes.
10/4: sleeves! knit 10 rows before folding hem.
Knit to 10” before increases.
Knit 8 rows between all increases. Knit 4 rows after last increase and before cast off underarm.
Follow pattern as written through sleeve cap shaping but knit one RS and WS row before final bind off.
Sew sleeves = 2 sts on sleeve, 3 sts on arm scythe.
10/9: One sleeve successfully attached. Looks nice, and FITS!
10/11 - applied i-cord edging on neck. 3 stitches wide. First I went around and picked up the stitches as written. Then I am I-cording from the picked up edge.
10/12: DONE! DONE! DONE! woo hoo!