UPDATE 5/23/11: I’ve decided to enter this project into the Alameda County Fair this year, so we’ll see what happens. :D Honorable Mention!
I wish I could MORE THAN :D this project! I think it’s my favorite!!
Following the spreadsheet giving the bigger dimensions for the STR variation. This thing is going to be huge, and I can’t wait.
Color order: Rabia, Sugar Plums, Crabby McCrabbypants, Never on Sunday, and Purple Rain Peacock
11/1/10: finished thru 1st repeat of color #2. Loving this pattern all over again.
11/8/10: this thing is addictive. it’s almost all I’ve been knitting on when I get a chance to knit, with the exception of my Magic shawl started at the same time & a pair of self-striping stockinette socks that I just started so I have a small project for a meeting tomorrow. just started blending in color #3.
11/16/10: took a short break to knit a stripey sock, but I’m back to this again. LOVING it. I just finished the color 2 to color 3 transition, and I’m working solely on color 3 now. this would be fun to have finished for Thanksgiving, but unless I get to knit every minute of the weekend this weekend, I doubt it. :)
12/30/10: Decided to change Color #5 to Peacock because it follows the progression a little better. I’m going to use Purple Rain for a different project. :D
1/31/11: Halfway through the last transition repeat (color 4 to 5). I’m running dangerously low on color #4, so I hope I have enough to finish the repeat & use it in the edging.
2/3/11: OMG! Ran out of Never on Sunday (Color #4) with about 55 stitches left in the last transition row. This skein of yarn wasn’t a mill end, but it had 3 knots and 2-3 slubby spots. :/ I didn’t weigh the skein before I started, so I don’t know if it was a short skein or not, and I didn’t cut out any of the knots or slubby bits, so I didn’t loose yardage there. doh! Maybe my gauge just change. :) Here’s hoping I don’t run out of Peacock (color #5). Starting final section.
2/10/11: So, I just finished the first full repeat of color #5, and I have 56g of yarn left, with the rows ONLY getting bigger. I’m pretty sure I’m going to run out. That means I used ~71g for one repeat and the knitting during the transition rows. I wish I would’ve weighed the ball after knitting the transition rows! Going to get opinions from my discerning knitter friends at knitting tonight to see if it will look weird if I stop where I am and do the edging. I’m kind of ready to be done, so I might do that anyway. LOL
2/13/11: COMPLETE! Just need to block it. 1245.6 yards total