Aurora the Argentine Cow
July 23, 2009
July 25, 2009

Aurora the Argentine Cow

Project info
Farmyard Frolics, Part One by Alan Dart
My friend William
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
Cisne Susurro
709 yards in stash
0.1 skeins = 26.2 yards (24.0 meters), 10 grams
Nube Baby
45 grams in stash

Aurora is finally done! She’s my very first knitted toy and I couldn’t be happier with the results!

She’s a cow who’s going to live in Maryville, Tennessee, with my friend William. He came to Argentina to visit the Institute where I’m studying English, here in Rosario. He was supposed to stay here until mid August, but he’s now on his way back to the States because of the H1N1 virus (he’s actually staying in Buenos Aires for a couple of days.) We made friends, but his sudden departure kept me from giving him an appropriate souvenir. Now that he’s still in the country, I’ll mail him some things, and I decided to give him my sweet little cow. (I told him one of my hobbies was knitting, and a cow is definitely a highlight of Argentina.)

I put her a cowbell and a blue and white ribbon.

Isn’t she lovely? :)

Aurora ya está terminada! Es mi primer juguete tejido y no podría estar más contenta con los resultados!

Es una vaca que va a vivir en Maryville, Tennessee, con mi amigo William. Vino a la Argentina a visitar el instituto donde estoy estudiando Inglés, acá en Rosario. Se suponía que se iba a quedar hasta mediados de Agosto, pero ahora está en camino a Estados Unidos debido al virus H1N1 (en realidad se está quedando en Buenos Aires por un par de días).
Nos hicimos amigos, pero su partida repentina me impidió regalarle un recuerdo adecuado. Ahora que está todavía en el país le voy a enviar algunas cosas, y decidí regalarle mi dulce y pequeña vaca. (Le había comentado que uno de mis hobbies era tejer, y una vaca es definitivamente un distintivo de Argentina).

Le puse una campanita y una cinta celeste y blanca.

No es adorable? :)

viewed 341 times
July 23, 2009
July 25, 2009
About this pattern
135 projects, in 90 queues
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About this yarn
by Nube
64% Acrylic, 25% Rayon, 11% Nylon
100 grams

24 projects

stashed 12 times

knitpunzel's star rating
About this yarn
by Cisne
Acrylic, Other
262 yards / 100 grams

10 projects

stashed 1 time

knitpunzel's star rating
  • Project created: July 24, 2009
  • Finished: July 25, 2009
  • Updated: April 12, 2020