May 11, 2010
May 21, 2010


Project info
Gail (aka Nightsongs) by Jane Araújo
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Handmaiden Fine Yarn Sea Silk
2 skeins = 874.0 yards (799.2 meters), 200 grams
Unwind Yarn House in Newmarket, Ontario

Fun project!!!! I was already on my left Chart 1 finished with row 37 when I looked at Chart 2 right. What is this?…. Looks the same as Chart 1 left.

I always staple my project charts or pattern together and did not see that I have to knit both Charts 1 left & Chart 2 right together at the same time…well that makes more sense now.

Hi how are you? Do not focus to much at all the comments for this shawl…it is pretty simple once you get going and I am sure you can knit this one too.

So cast on your 4st and work 2 rows in garter st. turn

Next, right side, 1st. row of charts: work as follows: 2st. for border, 2YO ( I placed a marker between the YO as this is the centre of the shawl ), 2st. for border. turn

*** wrong side, 2nd row: knit first 2st for border, purl 1st into YO from the front, slip marker and then purl1st into back of YO so you have 2st, knit 2st for border =6st on needle,turn

right side, 3rd row of charts look at Chart 1 right side: knit2st for border (always repeat this 2st at the beg. and end of needles in the front and back) 1YO. knit1st, 1YO, up to here you have chart 1 -left side….now you have a marker, slip it to right needle, now you work on chart 1 left side … 1YO, knit 1st, 1YO, knit 2st for border , =10st on needle, turn

wrong side row: knit 2st, purl all st even YO’ but purl them one in front marker one into the back , knit 2st.

right side, 5th row of charts : knit 2st, knit1st,1YO, knit1st, 1YO. knit1st; marker, knit1st, 1YO, knit1st, 1YO, knit1st, knit2st for edge =14st, turn

wrong side 6th row : knit2st , purn all stiches to last 2st knit them, turn

right side, 7th row of charts: knit2st border, right side chart, knit2st, 1YO, knit1st, 1YO, knit2st, marker, left side chart, knit2st, 1YO, knit1st, 1YO, knit2st, border knit 2st.

Continue this way following the charts. and you should be ok.

let me know if you need any further help. Good luck and remember once you have the beginning it will be ok

I also quickly ask my friend Margot that already had finished her beautiful shawl. She gave my some inside info too. But really this is so far not a
difficult project….as always ready all of it first.

I found this information from Joycef2 very helpful: She suggested this great info for us.
“knit: 7 repeats of rows 21 to 35 with the last repeat ending at row 32.”**

So now I am again on row 37 and looks really nice.

May 16th I am now working on my 5th repead and it looks so beautiful…
Can’t wait to see this gorgeous shawl finished with 2 skeins of so soft and luxurious Handmaiden Sea Silk…..

May19th used up one skein of yarn and have 8 repeats…I’ts a good size sofar but do not know how big it would be once washed and blocked.
Starting on the second skein of yarn.

Used up almost all of the 2 skeins of Handmaiden Fine Yarn Sea Silk. Keep in minde that at the very ende for the Edge pattern you will need a lot of yarn. I had almost 380 stitches that I worked with at the end.

Giving this shawl a good soaking now and then blocking it.
After Blocking this fabulous shawl now measures 6 feet across and 31 inches deep from point to beg stitches.

This was much easier then some of you may think reading some of the comments. I love this shawl and I am sure if you have knit any type of lace shawl you will be able to master this one too.

If you have any questions just ask….happy to help anytime.

viewed 939 times | helped 15 people
May 11, 2010
May 21, 2010
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Handmaiden Fine Yarn
70% Silk, 30% SeaCell
437 yards / 100 grams

11470 projects

stashed 10488 times

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  • Project created: May 10, 2010
  • Finished: May 21, 2010
  • Updated: April 23, 2012
  • Progress updates: 4 updates