What’s that woolly wonder thundering through the sky towards Soho? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Holy handmade heroes! It’s the Knit the City Book Launch!!!
When the Knit Signal shone on the skies above Soho, the KTC Yarn Corps: Deadly Knitshade, Shorn-a the Dead, The Fastener and Lady Loop, leapt into the Knitmobile and faster than a stitched speeding bullet hotfooted it to Gosh. Our woolly weapons of choice were a handful of handmade heroes made to celebrate the launch of our brand new book, Knit the City: A Whodunnknit Set in London.
See the whole tale at Permission to Yarnstorm: Handmade Heroes! The Knit the City Book Launch
We have a Knit the City book! Click here to find out about Knit the City: A Whodunnknit Set in London. All KTC’s graffiti knitting pics, their stories and two lovely knitting patterns!