Magic ring with 6 sts
2nd round 2 st in each st = 12 sts
3rd round 1 st, then 2 sts in 1 st
(increases end here for the front legs)
4th round 2 st, then 2 st in 3rd st
(increases end here for the back legs)
after increases, single st in back loop only, then continue for as long as desired
chair legs
front legs diameter: 2,8 cm
hind legs diameter: 3,5 - 4 cm
front leg socks
before washing:
4,5 cm diameter
4 cm high
after washing:
4 cm diameter
4 cm high
hind leg socks
before washing:
5,5 cm diameter
4 cm high
after washing:
4,5 cm diameter
4 cm high
As the chair socks didn´t shrink as much as expected (maybe that’s because it’s crochet and the fabric naturally hasn’t got a lot of stretch?), the two socks that were intended for the front legs now fit the hind legs okay (could be a little tighter still, next time I won´t complete the last increase round, which should do the trick), and those originally intended for the hind legs are too big to fit at all.
New sample for front feet:
magic ring with 6 sts
Inc in every st = 12 sts
1 sc, 2 SC in 1 st for 6 sts
then one round without increases through back loop
6 additional rounds (7 rds for height in total)
3,4 cm diameter
4,5 cm height
3 cm diameter
4,2 cm height
Last round: 2 sc, then invisible decrease to make last round a little tighter.
I have doubled the bottom by crocheting another sphere for each chair sock for more durability (I made these a little smaller than the actual bottom of the smaller chair socks in the front). Also, I hope that maybe when the bottom is worn though, I can simply add another sphere and don’t have to crochet a whole chair sock anymore.
These are fast to crochet, but boy, are there many ends to weave in! It took me a whole evening to finish.
93 grams for 2 sets of 4 each.
They are still going strong after over a year of (heavy) use. Only now they have started to lose a little yarn at the corners of the extra circles on the bottom.
Since these are used on the legs of chairs, I will not bother so much with weaving in ends next time, only the very visible ones.
Since my husband always slides backwards with the chair with his full weight on, the extra patch of the chair socks on the two front legs of the chair needed mending now. The main part was still relatively unharmed on the bottom, so I simply made new patches and attached them.
(Note to self: Next time, do felt the additional pieces! They have a larger diameter otherwise.)