I used my favorite stretchy-but-springs-back-nicely cast on, Jeny’s stretchy slipknot cast on.
I only just realized that I don’t like the thumb of the pattern. Have reopened everything except the ribbing and will do a gusset thumb. I used my favorite tutorial for this, Kelley’s mitten class on YouTube.
For the thumb gusset, I started with 3 sts after the second (increase) stockinette round (beginning with the 2nd stitch after beginning of round), increasing always after the first and before the last stitch.
I increased 10 times every other round (which I’ve marked with stitch markers because I suck at counting M1L and M1R’s
), distributing the thrums relatively evenly.
Weirdly, I ended up with 22 sts between the stitch markers for the thumb. The main tube ended up with 46 sts at the point where I had to put the thumb sts on waste yarn. So I cast on 2 sts (backward loop method) to have 48 in the round again.
For the closing of the thumb, I decreased by k2tog followed by 1k and 1ktbl (when there was a thrum involved). The next round, no decreases, then a round with a k2tog inbetween the thrums, then I think another round of no decreases, and then k2togs altogether, ending with 6 sts.
First time wearing the mittens on my bike has revealed: There is a draft at the fingertips when the bike is moving! I guess it’s due to the decreases, where there are no thrums. There, the wind can enter. I will try to remedy this by simply putting my remaining rovings into the mittens, and hope it will felt with the existing thrums over time.
Edit: I took the remaining roving and needle felted it lightly to the tops of the mittens, so that I don’t have to wait for it to felt on its own. It’s also more evenly distributed now than compared to if it had felted on its own.
I wore the mittens again on the bike today, and there is still draft. It is reduced though.
So I guess this means, unless your have felted mittens, knitting cannot become windproof.