The Newbie and the Knitter KAL
September 1, 2011
December 10, 2011

The Newbie and the Knitter KAL

Project info
Cadence by Jordana Paige
Needles & yarn

SarahRT & I are co-hosting a knitalong on our blogs:

KristenMakes and Rhinestones & Telephones

The pattern is the beautiful Cadence by Jordana Paige from Knitty Deep Fall 2010. Feel free to knitalong with us!

Here are the posts that I’ve done on the KAL:

August 10, 2011: Intro
September 6, 2011: Swatching
September 22, 2011: Casting On
October 11, 2011: Lace Chart and Yoke
October 27, 2011: Progress Check-up and on taking a break
October 30, 2011: After the Chart (increasing and separating body and sleeves)
December 13, 2011: Body and Sleeves
December 14, 2011: Finishing
December 19, 2011: How do you Wear your Cadence?

KAL went great!!! Join our Flickr Group here.

I made my cadence into a tunic because I felt in need of a sweater dress. I love it!

viewed 938 times | helped 16 people
September 1, 2011
December 10, 2011
About this pattern
505 projects, in 1295 queues
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  • Project created: August 11, 2011
  • Updated: December 19, 2011