well traveled viajante
June 6, 2015
November 4, 2015

well traveled viajante

Project info
Viajante by Martina Behm
Neck / TorsoPoncho
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Peru Laceweight
5440 yards in stash
0.25 skeins = 2000.0 yards (1828.8 meters), 250 grams
May 2015

the yarn traveled to me from Peru, the project will travel with me to Minnesota and Illinois, and I’ll knit on it with traveling through the wool warp to talk to friends online. well traveled, indeed!

followed tips for widening neck opening and later the beading from mirielgw’s Beaded Viajante.

using backwards loop and reverse backward loop increases to be symmetrical on the spine.
garter triangle to 185 stitches before joining.

Began decreasing every 3 rows after joining, then every 5 rows. Continued increasing on all rows, including on the front and back of the mesh to make that open wider.

Used a round of eyelets and beads about an inch before starting the mesh as a border.

On the mesh, placed beads every 3 decreases in a radiating outward from the spine pattern; this makes the decreases go out on one diagonal and the beads go out on the other.


I’m finishing repeat 9 of the mesh rows. I think the pattern says 15? it’s pretty slow going!

ACTUAL: 13 repeats of the mesh rows. 13 is a lucky number for me!


used the beaded bind off from Splityarn Caro. This put a bead on top of each of the decreases from the mesh (every other stitch bound off has a bead).

During blocking, threaded the blocking wire into each decrease above bind off - up and over, up and over - this allowed me to block more tightly than I would have with just pins.

viewed 313 times | helped 3 people
June 6, 2015
November 4, 2015
About this pattern
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  • Originally queued: January 11, 2015
  • Project created: June 7, 2015
  • Updated: November 18, 2015
  • Progress updates: 9 updates