Not sure if these will work. They are all sock/fingering. My initial body choices are pictured. From top left the first row is A, B, C
Second row is D, E, and I was wavering between the two last ones for F. I think I will go with the dark green instead of the gray/brown for now. If the sweater is looking too dark, then I might swap the last yarn.
I’m going to start with the 46” size since my yarns are thinner so it will probably end up smaller than expected.
A - Lang Yarns
B - Noti Flourish
C - unknown
D - Knitting Notions bamboo
E - unknown (bamboo?)
F - Fyberspates
Looking at other people’s versions, it looks better with the darker color on bottom for the body so I’m going to switch B & C colors. B = dark blue/green, and C=neon green.
I thought this would run a little small since I was using sock/fingering weight, but the slip stitch pattern is giving me 5-1/4 stitches to the inch for gauge and the pattern calls for 6. So this will end up slightly larger instead. I’m going to go a couple more rows but I might need to go down a needle size to get rid of the excess ease that I didn’t want.
I’ve knitted about 4 inches of the body so I put it on a lifeline and tried it on. I’m going to have to rip the whole thing out and start over. It’s currently about 6 inches too big.
I did rip it out and restart with a smaller size after the last comment and I’m much more pleased with the size so far.
Ran out of the first color at 12” up the body.
Finished the body up to the underarms. Time to start the sleeves.
Added a picture to show the body and the start of the sleeve.
Finished first sleeve and starting next sleeve.
Starting the yoke. I discovered there is a mistake in the directions for attaching the sleeves. It lists putting 3 sets of 14 stitches onto waste yarn, but one set is really being counted twice and we are only supposed to be putting 2 sets.
Adding 2 more colors for N and O was looking way too busy. So I’ve substituted the main sleeve color for N and the contrast sleeve color for O.
Finished the body and kitchnered the underarms. Just need to attach the inner neckline and weave in all ends.
Finished weaving in all ends. Just need to stitch down the inside of the neckline and this will be finished. If I make this again, I will use russian joins so that I won’t have all these ends to weave in again.
All of the in-progress pictures are bizarre colors. The yarns aren’t photographing anywhere near the real colors.
Finished! Just need to get pictures and then I can mark the project as finished.
The final finished picture finally has the right colors.
Wore this out to dinner and discovered something ate holes in both sleeves, so have to throw this away like lots of my recent sweaters and tshirts.,