July 7, 2010
January 12, 2011


Project info
Inishmore by Alice Starmore
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Aade Lõng Solid 8/3
152 yards in stash
5 skeins = 1460.0 yards (1335.0 meters), 500 grams

I think I exhausted my husband’s patience with all the silly picture taking…
None of the pictures of this beloved sweater turned out good on me. Will try again later…
But I do love it and pretty proud of it :)

back to classics..

The goal is to knit a more fitted version of Inishmore, with a very gentle waist shaping, set-in sleeves, and narrower sleeves.

Not sure if I have enough yarn, but by the time I knit roughly 15cm (the pictures show a bit more than that), which should be around 25% of the total length and should use about 15% of the yarn since it’s knit in the round, I did the weighing, and it seems I’m on target.

Changes so far:

  • knit in the round, thus no twisting purls and no need to remember what is done to the back in order to replicate for the front; things happen as I knit and try the sweater on;
  • knit the twisted cable rib in the way so the wrong side shows only 1x1 rib; happy to report that it’s been achieved and I’m pleased with it;
  • make a very smooth transition from the twisted rib to the main pattern; after about 3 tries, it’s been done and the pattern flows as organically as possible;
  • keep all charts intact as per pattern; done with one exception, on the chart B, side cables where replaced with small cables from the rib; even though I’m using smaller needles and thinner yarn, keeping all charts would be prohibitive for future set-in sleeves;

I’m planning to take this slow, but the pattern is extremely addictive and surprisingly easy. Just about by the 4th row, one doesn’t need the charts as everything is so intuitive. I absolutely love it!

Will keep you posted on the future progress, but for now I’m forcing myself to put this aside and return to summer knits :)

P.S. As I was pondering over a name for this project, my husband was eager to help and gave me 2 more options - Skinishmore and Minishmore :)))))

Big “thank you” goes to my dear friend Inga, who helped me to acquire this wonderful yarn!

viewed 8058 times | helped 30 people
July 7, 2010
January 12, 2011
About this pattern
341 projects, in 309 queues
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About this yarn
by Aade Lõng
100% Wool
292 yards / 100 grams

264 projects

stashed 198 times

larisa's star rating
  • Project created: July 8, 2010
  • Finished: February 20, 2011
  • Updated: October 24, 2020
  • Progress updates: 10 updates