6-Day Kid Blanket - Inspired & Modified
March 23, 2020
February 2, 2021

6-Day Kid Blanket - Inspired & Modified

Project info
6-Day Kid Blanket by Betty McKnit
BlanketBaby Blanket
About: 112 cm x 98 cm
Hooks & yarn
4.5 mm
5.0 mm (H)
1,246 yards
Multicoloured 8 ply acrylic
3 skeins = 656.2 yards (600.0 meters), 300 grams
White 8 ply acrylic
2.7 skeins = 590.6 yards (540.0 meters), 270 grams

I used only parts of the 6DKB notes. My blanket is based on a ripple-multiple of 23 stitches (instead of 17). My variation below!

  1. The stitch pattern used for this blanket is similar to “Vivid Chevrons” #110 from stitch COLLECTION book: 200 Ripple Stitch Patterns by Jan Eaton (however, the stitch combo was used among crocheters well before that book was put together).
 I made it based on a ripple / multiple of 23 stitches (instead of 17) and 8 points. The main reason for 23 sts => the multicoloured yarn had a colour change of 23 dc’s.

  2. Instead of chaining, I started with a row of foundation sc of (23 x 8) + 2 = 184 + 2 = 186 sc’s and 5 mm hook. Next row I switched to 4.5 mm hook which I used throughout.

  3. I made three rows of granny stitches instead of two.

  4. I didn’t cut the yarns, I just carried them up by weaving each of them together with last stitch made out of the other one. I did that at every row end where I had them meeting, as I was progressing with the blanket. I must mention here that I intended from beginning to make a border as well. Therefore, all those first stitches that didn’t look that amazing from this weaving, were hidden in the end by the border anyway…

  5. I was also inspired by the teddiebear76 blankets and the use and look of the ‘camel’ stitch. Following her suggestions, I changed row 4 from sc’s to hdc’s and row 5 to ‘camel’ stitch - that is working into the 3rd loop of the hdc’s of previous row.

  6. HananHannaway’s blanket border notes helped me to make mine … Working in the round, this is what I did:
    Row 1 with MC (white) = HDC around, less where I started and made the first row of the blanket, the foundation sc one;
    Rows 2 + 3 with CC = HDC worked in the 3rd loop, as ‘camel’ stitch;
    Row 4 = the picots - all stitches worked in the 3rd loop, as in ‘camel’ stitch: {in first stitch make one sc, ch1, sl st in the leg of the sc just made, then a sl st in next stitch} repeat these two stitches around ………. or probably better spelt as: working throughout in 3rd loop of the hdc’s of previous round: {(into first stitch: 1sc,ch1,1sl st), into next stitch: 1sl st} repeat around;
    I adjusted the corners, points and valleys as I went around. (I’m not a crocheter, I’m a knitter, pls don’t judge me… relaxed )

I ended up with:
-a blanket of 15 granny ripples & 14 dc’s ripples and 8 points
-size: 112x98 cm
-weight: 570g

Note to self for next time…
I found the transition b/n the last (6th) row of the pattern repeat and first row of the following one, the first granny row (which is called row 2), not to be smooth enough. All the valley points don’t lie flat enough, as a matter of fact they slightly stick out. Therefore, for the next project I’ll consider the following changes:

  • on row 6 of the pattern repeat (the 2nd row of sc’s) I will try to make in each of the valleys one sc2tog

  • on next pattern repeat, on row 2, when I get to where I made the sc2tog on previous row, now as I have one less sc, I will skip only 3sc’s and work the dc3tog in 4th stitch.

viewed 191 times | helped 1 person
March 23, 2020
February 2, 2021
About this pattern
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  • Project created: March 23, 2020
  • Finished: February 2, 2021
  • Updated: February 19, 2023