Tesserae Scarf
October 27, 2014
November 2, 2014

Tesserae Scarf

Project info
Tesserae Scarf by Lisa Doherty
Neck / TorsoScarf
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
425 yards
Malabrigo Yarn Arroyo
1 skein = 335.0 yards (306.3 meters), 100 grams
Malabrigo Yarn Rasta
1 skein = 90.0 yards (82.3 meters), 150 grams

remaining: 111g Rasta, 40g Arroyo

Pattern available in my Ravelry store!

Early purchasers, please note, pattern was edited and corrected January of 2016. The corrected version was sent to all purchasers at that time.

viewed 13789 times | helped 5 people
October 27, 2014
November 2, 2014
About this pattern
13 projects, in 44 queues
lisaviolinviola's overall rating
lisaviolinviola's clarity rating
lisaviolinviola's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
Super Bulky
100% Merino
90 yards / 150 grams

45705 projects

stashed 26846 times

lisaviolinviola's star rating
About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
334 yards / 100 grams

46488 projects

stashed 37026 times

lisaviolinviola's star rating
  • Project created: October 31, 2014
  • Finished: November 2, 2014
  • Updated: December 26, 2023