Jester Slippers
October 2007
October 2007

Jester Slippers

Project info
Easy House Slippers (Knit) by Liecel Tverli Scully
Feet / LegsSlippers
me and my cold feet
Roughly US women's size 7
Needles & yarn
US 10 - 6.0 mm
Noro Kureyon(くれよん)
3 skeins = 330.0 yards (301.8 meters), 150 grams
Main Street Yarn in Mill Creek, Washington

Finally something to use this Kureyon for! None of my other plans for it have worked out, and I have been disappointed with the colorway… but for slippers, it should be fine.

I’m starting mine with 18st squares, US10 needles (I knit tight). We’ll see how it works out -- the pattern doesn’t give gauge. (CRAFT, what are you thinking? You know we need gauge!) I’ll post results here.

Currently I am getting 4sts/inch on my first square of the pattern.

Further notes:

I think knitting 36 rows (2x18) is actually too much -- my row gauge is too thick, and it makes the square too rectangular. Judging by the diagram, it needs to be square to fold correctly. So I tried 32 rows for the second square, and that is better.

I am using 2 skeins, and alternating, so each square is recognizably a different color combination.

Further notes, 10/25:
Aha, the reason you need the same number of rows as you have sts is so when you pick up sts for the last two squares, you’ll have the right amount. :) As I am a couple of rows short, I just made a couple of extra stitches. No big deal; it’s gonna be felted anyway!

Further notes, 10/26:
The first slipper is folded and assembled! I will felt it tomorrow and see how it goes. Currently it is 13” from heel to toe. The diagram in CRAFT is confusing -- to get the second fold, I found it easier just to try to get it to match picture D and not think about which letter goes where. This is making me laugh because it looks like the 14th century leather shoes I wear for the SCA. Except for the colors. ;)

Speaking of the colors, if you knit it with the 2 color pattern as shown in the magazine, I bet it is easier to figure out how to fold the thing. But that’s OK.

10/27: First slipper felted! Took three runs through the front-loading washer. Probably could have run it through one more time, but it fits pretty well now so I’ll leave it alone. Went from 13” long to a little over 10”. Currently blocking.

(Since writing this I decided to try to get rid of some more of the stitch definition by doing a bit of hand-felting. It didn’t shrink any further, but it is fuzzier and the stitches are less obvious. Web searches show that Noro sometimes is very difficult to felt. I could keep trying -- we will see.)

10/29: I’m done knitting the second slipper and it is partially sewn together. I’ll probably finish sewing it and felting it tonight. By the way, each square in the pattern is about 4” x 4” before felting. So that might help those of you who are figuring how big to knit your slippers.

I think I may add a button and loop or something, so I can wear the tops of the slippers up or down.

10/30: Felting the second slipper! I refelted the first one one more time; it shrunk another .5 inch and so I think that it is about perfect now. At least, it fits perfectly. The second one is partially felted at this very moment.

10/30: Done! I put little laces in so I can wear them with the tops up or down, and keep my feet warm. I might put a button there instead, later. The second slipper is a tiny bit smaller than the other, but my right foot is smaller than my left so that actually is fine. :)

11/25: I got suede slipper bottoms from KnitPicks and sewed them on, so now I am finally wearing my slippers! They are comfy and sort of warm, but not as warm as my old slippers (which were practically boots), so I might still get another pair of slippers to wear when it is extra cold. But these turned out nice.

1/22: I did get another pair of slippers to wear -- mostly because these weren’t waterproof enough, even with the suede bottom, and when I stepped in some cat barf… well, enough said. Also, the floor here gets extra cold in the winter. So I will wear these again once it is a little warmer. They are awfully cute, though!

viewed 1766 times | helped 6 people
October 2007
October 2007
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About this yarn
by Noro
100% Wool
109 yards / 50 grams

58646 projects

stashed 37898 times

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  • Project created: October 22, 2007
  • Finished: October 31, 2007
  • Updated: November 3, 2018