Pattern coming soon! If you like this, stay tuned for the pattern!
5/6: “Tassels” added (just beaded thingies). It blocked pretty large -- from 55” to 72”, yikes! I guess I could have made it shorter. It is 5.5” wide. I am very happy with it.
5/5: Blocked! It’s pretty -- I like it. Tassels next.
5/4, later: Tails done! Knitting done! Now I just have to block, and get the tassels on. I think they will just be little beaded thingies but I’m not sure yet.
5/4: How does so much time go by so quickly? Have hardly had any time to knit, but I am now into the “tails” section! I hope I won’t have to reknit it a few times. :)
4/29: One more motif left to do, then the “tails.” Looking at the chart I designed for that part I seem to have made a math error, so I am going to fix that when I get to that part, and hopefully it won’t delay things too much. :)
4/22: Another motif done. Slowly but surely I am getting through this. Wish I was a faster knitter! The pattern is pretty easy and this would be a relatively quick project for most people, I think.
4/19: I have designed a two-tailed end for the scarf, and it is knitted downwards, so no grafting will be needed for the scarf! Yay! (Not that I mind grafting, but I know some people prefer not to do it.)
4/18: Fourth motif done. 25” long, unblocked. I think this is definitely long enough for the first half since I am going to block the living daylights out of it. So now I set it aside and figure out what I want to do with the second half. I could start a new half exactly like the first one, and graft it together in the middle (the original plan). Or I could find some way to end it by knitting the end downwards, in which case no grafting is required. Or I can graft, but start with a different end motif. Since the theme here is the two-tailed melusine, I’m thinking of something with two points. But I have not come up with anything yet that I am happy with. Hmm.
4/15: Third motif done. Scarf is about 18.5” long, unblocked. I can see it will stretch a lot in blocking so I may only do one more motif before starting the second half. Not sure yet. I tweaked the location of the beads slightly because the beading technique I use causes the beads to look like they are actually a stitch lower than where I put them in. The result looks good so I’ll change the chart to reflect this.
4/11: Second motif done, new photo posted. I have made a small change to the chart so the next motif will be slightly different but not particularly noticeable. :)
4/10: Almost done with the second motif (not enough knitting time today). I am loving the beads on this; they are like little raindrops. The lace is working well so far.
4/8: I’ve completed the end and the whole first motif. The motif is 5” long, and the pointed end is 3”. This is unblocked, of course. So I’m guessing I’ll need to do 10 motifs. I will knit it in two pieces and graft it in the center. The scarf is currently about 5” wide but it will be wider when it’s done.
4/7: I have written up the lace pattern and swatched a bit. I have beads, and now I am knitting. I might rip back and redo it with smaller needles but I haven’t decided yet. Anyway, I have to set it aside for a bit and so some work for my day job and my thesis. :)
I decided to go ahead and use the name I had in mind: Melusine. A Melusine is a siren with two tails -- like the one in the Starbucks logo. :) But it was also the name of a medieval character in The Maude Reed Tale, a book by Norah Lofts that I read (and loved) as a kid. The design of this lace is based on medieval decorative motifs, but the color of the yarn and beads are related to water, so Melusine seems like a perfect name.
4/2: Yarn is here! It’s pretty! I’ve got some more done with the lace design. Still messing around with it. I will swatch the latest version soon. I also still need to figure out how the beads will work into this, and then buy some!
4/1: I don’t actually have the yarn in hand yet. I’m experimenting with possible lace designs, using random yarns I have here for now. I think I have a motif I like, so now I am going to polish it up. When the yarn gets here I will buy the beads that match it. :) Though the scarf is listed as “Nameless” at the moment, I do have a name in mind for the pattern, but I am waiting to see if I want to keep the name or not.