Knitting Therapy Stole
April 14, 2011
August 12, 2011

Knitting Therapy Stole

Project info
One Skein - A Stole! (English Version) by Katja Jordan
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
Noro Kureyon Sock クレヨンソックヤーン
1 skein = 462.0 yards (422.5 meters), 100 grams
Pacific Fabrics & Crafts in Seattle, Washington
April 14, 2011

8/12 Took me another two months to get back to it. Finished quickly once I did. Very easy pattern. Blocked nicely. I will try to measure it later. It’s definitely taller than I am (and I’m 5’2”). I had some yarn left over -- no worries about running out.

6/20 Didn’t knit for a while because I was busy. Almost done with it now. Just about to start the 10th repeat.

5/16 Still going along, slowly but surely. Just knitting for a short time each week, or else I’d be done by now. 60% done.

4/22 Still moving along on this. It goes quicker now that I have the bamboo needles, but I just haven’t been able to devote a ton of time to it.

4/20: It looks messy now, but blocking will fix it right up! :)

Been working on this off and on for a few days. Found that the metal needles I was using are too slick for the loose stitches, so last night I picked up a pair of Clover bamboo straight needles, and it’s much easier to work with now! Even though the needles are short, the project stays on them just fine, so I’d say that you don’t need circs for this.

Currently I’ve finished 1 of the mid-section repeats plus the yarn-over bit and the following two knit rows of the next repeat. Unblocked and unstretched, it’s more than a foot long. It’s going to be HUGE when blocked, I think.

The pattern is very easy; the only issue has been yarn-wrangling. Now that part should be easier since I have the bamboo needles.

viewed 145 times
April 14, 2011
August 12, 2011
About this pattern
865 projects, in 1093 queues
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About this yarn
by Noro
Light Fingering
70% Wool, 30% Nylon
459 yards / 100 grams

21825 projects

stashed 15097 times

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  • Originally queued: July 30, 2009
  • Project created: April 14, 2011
  • Updated: August 13, 2011
  • Progress updates: 11 updates