November 17, 2012
December 9, 2012


Project info
Binic by Solenn Couix-Loarer
18-24 month
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Garnstudio DROPS Merino Extra Fine
29 yards in stash
3.75 skeins = 431.3 yards (394.3 meters), 187 grams
The Wool Shed in Oyne, Aberdeenshire
September 20, 2012

nice pattern… lovely written and presented, just a little confusing here and there… - hm… am i the only one who wondered about some sections?

Gauge - stocking stitch 4.0 mm
before blocking - 23sts/ 33rows = 10/10cm

Yardage: 186gr total (27gr per sleeve,133gr body)

Dimensions final & before blocking
Chest width - 30cm (30cm)
CO edge to neck - 31cm (30cm)
CO edge to top of shoulder - 33cm (32cm)
Sleeve length - 20cm (18cm)
upper arm width - 12cm (12cm)
cuff width - 9cm (9cm)


  • knit 18cm + 4.5cm = 22.5cm the pattern calls for…

  • short row method - Socktopus “Shadow Wraps” and on Knittingdaily (with very helpful diagrams)

  • Right shoulder
    Pattern states to slip st and to “purl together with stitch from row below”… hm. This didn’t work for me. Looked up the Socktopus Blog and worked all short rows without “purled togetherness”… Instead… after all short rows were done, I knit a RS row and knit all twinned stitches together as described in the blog tutorial.

  • Left shoulder
    After all short rows were done and I ended with a WS row and a shadow wrap. Next the pattern states: Next row (RS) - knit in pattern, working twinned sts together. - I found this confusing, since I just created the shadow wrap and my RS row had only 4sts to the end of row. My solution: RS row (4sts): slip twinned sts, knit in pattern to last st, slip st. WS row: knit in pattern across all 72sts, working twinned sts together. turn. RS row: bind off.

  • Sleeves: knit separate on a set of needles since I struggled to pick up stitches evenly. sewing sleeves on gave me more control and was straight forward.

  • 2 Buttonholes: right shoulder 4th negative rib, mirrored for left shoulder. Buttons: Liberty London.

Next time

  • Border stitch: Following the pattern i didn’t have a consistent border. The stocking stitch part had 1 border stitch per row, while the rib part had 1 st per 2rows. Next time i would maker sure to have 1 border stitch per row, to make it easier to pick up stitches for the sleeves in a 3sts/4rows ratio.

  • buttonhole in 5th negative rib. - the pattern actually says so, i just read it to late. : )

Final Thought
Despite some confusion… this was a fun little knit. I’m sure it would work for girls too, but there is something very ‘boy’ about is… so that’s pretty cool! - Thank you Solenn for sharing your pattern!

viewed 1409 times | helped 60 people
November 17, 2012
December 9, 2012
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Garnstudio
100% Merino
115 yards / 50 grams

37955 projects

stashed 18047 times

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  • Project created: December 2, 2012
  • Finished: December 9, 2012
  • Updated: January 31, 2016
  • Progress updates: 5 updates