⋇ solveig ⋇
July 16, 2017
August 14, 2017

⋇ solveig ⋇

Project info
Sven & Solvieg Scandinavian Knitted Friends by Carol A. Anderson
sven ;)
Needles & yarn

solveig is the female version of the sven scadinavian pattern, the design for both is in the same (sven) pattern..

…i’m enjoying making her as much as sven…wishing there were more hours in the day (deadlines and other knitting needs attention)…she’s patiently waiting her turn though…

…i did finish her scandinavian wedding cap, it will be ready and waiting for her… :)

she’s finished! some notes and mods:

i knit the head for 2 1/2” and then began the eyes. this seemed to help her wedding cap fit a bit better, making the head a little smaller.

for solveigs dress i began to increase on both sides starting 1/2” under the arm, then three more times (on both sides) every 1/4” or so. i picked up stitches for her tights 1 1/2” up from the hem

the motifs i used were from 150 scandinavian motifs by mary jane mucklestone.

from the neck to the hem the dress measures approx 6”
(i haven’t blocked anything on the dolls).

for her wedding cap i added a three stitch applied icord, starting with one end, knitting 7” then started to attach, then another 7”

for her bag i cast on 16 stitches (i think. oops!) knit 2, front and back, for 3”, then seamed with a single crochet, making the strap in crochet too. the tree motif is from the same book as above.

her hair is a blend of blond and grey wool (hee hee, a little familiar). i cut the pieces 24” in length and attached per carol’s instructions. her braids are kind of thick, i may do them again using lace weight (but oh boy that will take forever!)

i used a tiny puff of powder blush to rosy up her cheeks (sven got a little too) and when i stuffed both dolls it was with very little wool roving. i wanted them to be soft and squishy and be able to sit and bend. and i think it will be easier to take them when traveling… next is sven’s backpack and a blanket to keep them cozy on the norweigian arctic steamship this november…

(oh! solveig’s knitting needles are bamboo marking pins, made in japan by kinki amibari ~ they are the perfect size for tiny doll needles!)

pattern for solveig and sven by carol anderson, is available at cottagecreationspatterns.com

viewed 5312 times | helped 24 people
July 16, 2017
August 14, 2017
About this pattern
263 projects, in 178 queues
lorix5's overall rating
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  • Project created: July 25, 2017
  • Finished: August 25, 2017
  • Updated: March 3, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates