This was my first sweater made with cables. It was a pretty easy knit as the pattern was very well written. The designer Anne Hanssen is very helpful when you don’t understand something or just need it explained a little clearer. I could not have done it without the help and encouragement of my FRIEND stormyk9
She was there for me the whole way. Thank you Mindy!
Just started this. The colour is more true in the yarn photo. Looking forward to this cardigan because I love all the cables. Very well written pattern.
Feb21st - Great pattern, just wish I had more time to knit. The pictures are not the greatest. Will try again tomorrow with better lighting.
Feb 23rd - OMG! I messed up on a cable a while back. So much for making progress. I’m going to try to fix it. If I’m not able, I guess I will be frogging part of this. I feel so defeated at this point.
Feb 24th - OK. Didn’t have to frog anything. Just dropped the cable 8 rows and worked it up again. Good as new. On my way and making good progress.
March2nd - body is done to the armhole. Now to learn magic loop for the sleeves.
March 9th-had sleeves almost done to the armpits. Had to take them out again due me not reading the pattern properly. So, now I am redoing them. One is finished, the second one half way.
March 11(just barely) second sleeve is done. And everything is now joined together. Super happy with the results.
March 22-finished all of the knitting. I just need to weave in the ends and block.